• Mia

Post CIMBA- Invaluable Experience 01/03/15

Hello! Ciao! This is Mia back in the USA and my CIMBA life is totally over with this last blog. Looking back at the last semester, so many things remain giving me lots of memories and experiences. I really wanted to put all of them in these blogs but those experiences were difficult to express in words.  […]

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  • Mia

My list trip in Italy – Venetia 12/19/14

Ciao My plan during the semester was to travel to most of the cities in Italy. After spending 12 weeks in Italy, I almost reached my goal.  Reflecting on these journeys, I saw the very southern part, beaches, capital cities, fashion, mid parts, and others. However, there is one last mission for me, VENETIA!!! Venetia… It was also one of my dreaming […]

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  • Mia

The Longest Trip-Napoli-Roma-Assisi-Firenze 12/01/14

Ciao!!! This post will be the longest and contain the largest amount of pictures. For the whole 8th week, Jaein, Ham, Jinshu and I traveled around mid part Italy. Our Itinerary was Napoli-Roma-Assisi-Firenze. In English, the names are a little different: Naples-Rome-Assisi-Florence, but I prefer to use the original name since it is more comfortable to […]

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  • Mia

How are you, South Italy? 11/26/14

WOWWWW! Time flies that it is already 5th week and I finished the first travel weekend. Most of CIMBA students go to other European countries during travel weekends, but I and my friends’ goal is to visit all parts of Italy in this semester. This time, we went to the southern Italy; Bari, Matera, Alberbello, and […]

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  • Mia

Food experience here 11/20/14

Today, I am going to write about the food experience here. Usually, what I have in CIMBA is like this; first plate-pasta risotto or soup, second plate-meat and vegetables, desert and fruits. Since there are a number of menus in first and second plates, I am satisfied with meals on campus. I could learn how […]

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  • Mia

Oktoberfest in Munich! 11/20/14

Ciao! For the third weekend in CIMBA, I decided to leave Italy and go to another country! This was not because I was tired of being in Italy already but because this weekend was the last weekend of Oktoberfest (A grand beer festival) in Munich, Germany! This was quite improvised by my friend, Andy, but […]

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  • Mia

It is the City, Milano! 11/20/14

Ciao! The second week has passed even faster than the first week. This week, our team was included in the LIFE program, which is a renowned leadership program. It required me to have great focus on my life plan and the way to be a leader. After graduating from the program, I recognized why CIMBA […]

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  • Mia

Dinner Invitation from Italian Family 11/15/14

Hello, As a CIMBIAN, all of us have the opportunity to join an italian family for dinner. I enrolled for the event and got a precious invitation from a very friendly family. I was so nervous and worried to join my new family but after the event, I found those worry were useless. The family I […]

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  • Mia

2nd Gourmet Dinner 10/28/14

Ciao! Today, I will introduce CIMBA FALL 2014’s second gourmet dinner. Last time, the dinner was held in a nice Italian garden that provided us a full-course, formal dinner. This time the supper was held in a hotel. Even though both are formal dinners, the style was slightly different.  This dinner had an appetizer time outdoor (but […]

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  • Mia

Sunday Market near CIMBA! 09/30/14

Ciao! Today, I am going to introduce Sunday Market near Paderno del Grappa which is near our campus. The Sunday Market open in Crespano is 20 minuites away by walk. As we can see from its name, it opens evey Sunday but not in cold winter. On this weekend, I, Jaein, and Ham were tired from […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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