Tag Result For: travel weekend

  • Raleigh
  • University of Arkansas
  • Summer 2018

Cinque Terre- A must 06/04/18

            The first travel weekend is down and I could not be more pleased with how it went. Your first travel weekend at CIMBA is the shortest of the three. Instead of four days, you have three. Being the travel enthusiast I am I had a hard time deciding where I wanted to go. I […]

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  • Adam
  • Western Michigan University
  • 2016 Fall

Traveling in Europe: Planes, Trains, and Automobili 10/17/16

Ciao, Before I touch on traveling so far during the semester, just a few things to talk about.  Firstly, you know those formal dinners that CIMBA tells you about? Bring an appetite! I made a little mistake of grazing my way through the hors d’oeuvres and by graze, I mean I treated it like my last […]

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  • Samantha
  • University of Minnesota
  • 2016 Summer

Why I Spent My Last Weekend Abroad Traveling Solo 06/22/16

Solo travel can be a scary thought. We are all so dependent on our friends and family to guide us through our lives, that sometimes we lose track of who we actually are and how to be independent. We can jump from one relationship to the next, platonic or not, to identify ourselves and have […]

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  • Kaden
  • Kansas State University
  • 2016 Summer

Hostel (No, Not the Movie): What to Look for When Booking a Hostel for Travel in Europe 05/27/16

I was nervous about several things before my study abroad experience, but the main thing was staying in my first hostel.  Hostels are places that offer inexpensive food and lodging for travelers and are the main form of lodging for students traveling in Europe.  I heard from people who have seen the Hostel movie trilogy […]

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  • Mikaela
  • University of Minnesota
  • 2016 Spring

“Touristing”: The Art of Sightseeing 02/12/16

Three cities in four days. That about sums up my first extended travel weekend. Going into it, I knew I would be running (literally) off espresso and it all worked out because I had the most amazing weekend. I wouldn’t recommend this busy travel tactic to all but I wouldn’t discourage it either. These three […]

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  • Kevin
  • Clemson University
  • 2016 Spring

Steps for Planning a European Trip for Dummies (from One Dummy to Another) 02/10/16

I have been in Europe for almost a month now which is so weird to say because I feel like I just got here yesterday, but since I have gotten here I have been on a few trips and I think they have all been pretty successful. However I am by no means an expert, […]

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  • Mikaela
  • University of Minnesota
  • 2016 Spring

Travel Planning 101: Sticking to Your Budget 02/03/16

I have gone $300 over budget on travel so far. Well actually, I never made a budget, but I know I spent way too much on flights and hostels. It is extremely easy to pay double for travel expenses and now I have learned my lesson. Here is my mistake that I hope you can […]

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  • Sophie

How to Visit Venice like a Pro 01/05/16

First off, just let me say, you made the right travel choice.  Venice is amazing! You won’t regret the trip.  That being said there is no right or wrong way to do Venice, so long as you enjoy yourself.  What we’re talking about here are all the tips, tricks, and tidbits you’ll need to make […]

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  • Elizabeth
  • University of Minnesota
  • 2015 Fall

The Pros and Cons of Cheap Flights 11/23/15

As a student, large amounts of extra spending money aren’t easy to come by. Consequently, affording personal travel while studying abroad is quite the feat. When we’re making plans to travel on weekends and travel breaks, the ultimate goal is to see as much as possible while spending as little as possible on transportation and accommodations! No […]

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  • Phillip
  • Western Michigan University
  • 2015 Fall

The Difference Between Northern & Southern Italy 11/23/15

Thinking of tasting amazing new Italian creations? Take a trip to southern Italy. After my time in Naples and talking to a few other travelers I have found that Italian culture varies greatly between the north and the south. When you think of Italy what is the first thing that pops into your head? For […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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