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  • Evan
  • University of Iowa
  • 2013 Summer

I've been missing out.. 05/22/13

End of day two and I finally succeeded on getting the internet working on my laptop!! So yes, I did make it here on Monday! Here’s a recap of the trip. Sunday we made it to JFK thanks to Jenna’s wonderful mom, Beth, and we all got out of the US before the bad weather […]

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  • Nicole
  • University of Iowa
  • 2013 Summer

Rough Start in Venice 05/22/13

Ciao! Well, I finally made it to Italy!!! However, my suitcase did not… I arrived in Venice on Sunday afternoon after a connection from Chicago to Rome, and it’s Wednesday afternoon and still no bag! Somehow the tag got ripped off when it arrived in Rome and they couldn’t find it until yesterday! Hopefully I’ll […]

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  • Kelsey Y.
  • Iowa State University
  • 2013 Summer

Italy, Finally 05/22/13

I arrived on campus yesterday around 1pm Italy time which was 6am back in Iowa. By this point, I had been awake for almost 27 hours, gone through 4 airports, had my carry-on bag taken and checked at the Charlotte airport because they had run out of space in the overhead bins. I was so […]

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  • Evan
  • University of Iowa
  • 2013 Summer

We’re on our way.. 05/20/13

From this morning when we didn’t have internet: We’re finally traveling! Currently Kylie, Jenna, and I are on our way to Pennsylvania (Jenna’s house) for the next day until we fly out for Italy! We’re driving straight through the night to cover the 900 miles from Iowa City to Pennsylvania. With Jenna and her mom […]

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  • Nicole
  • University of Iowa
  • 2013 Summer

The Journey Begins 05/17/13

The day has finally arrived, I can’t even believe it! I’m packing for ITALY!!!!!!! I am so excited I don’t even know where to begin. This past week I was so busy with finals I didn’t realize how close it actually was. It’s crazy that I’m going to finally be traveling to Italy for the […]

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  • Kelsey Y.
  • Iowa State University
  • 2013 Summer

Packing helpers 05/17/13

Since I leave in just a few days, I started going through my suitcase full of stuff I brought back from college with me. As I walked into my living room, I found one of my cats, Tiger, happily laying on my dresses that I had put over the back of the chair so I […]

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  • Evan
  • University of Iowa
  • 2013 Summer

This is it, our new beginning.. 05/16/13

It’s official, only one more final standing in my way until I leave for Italy! It’s crazy to think that I’ll be there in just four days but I could not be more excited! This has been the craziest week I’ve ever had in school. Not only is this week finals, but the fact that I’m going to […]

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  • Nicole
  • University of Iowa
  • 2013 Summer

Seven Days… 05/14/13

So it’s the Saturday before finals, and ALL I can focus on is that I’m leaving for Italy in SEVEN DAYS. It’s so surreal!! It’s hard to believe I’m about to be living in another country for a month! Especially somewhere as beautiful as Paderno del Grappa! I have a countdown going on a whiteboard […]

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  • Jillian
  • University of Iowa
  • 2013 Spring

Saying Goodbye to Europe… 04/15/13

Just a few days ago, I had to say goodbye to some of the best people I have ever met. I am lucky to say that a good handful of the great people I met live within a drivable distance to see and visit, but there are a few who live many miles away. It […]

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  • Christopher
  • University of Kansas
  • 2013 Spring

Extra, Extra read all about it 04/02/13

Ciao, For me one of the biggest reasons for picking this study abroad program over the hundreds of others, besides its location, was the fact that it had several extra programs that were structured to facilitate extra experiences that would not be available in other programs. These programs are LIFE, LEAP, and CAP. LIFE (Leadership Initiatives For […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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