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  • Hayley
  • University of Iowa
  • Spring 2019

Pre-Departure Jitters! 01/31/19

I am off to Italy! Embarking on any new journey comes with a myriad of emotions and thoughts. I said my goodbyes to my parents outside the airport, and as I entered the airport sliding doors, I could feel a sense of nervousness, freedom, and excitement. I soon met up with other CIMBA students, which […]

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  • Hayley
  • University of Iowa
  • Spring 2019

Week One at CIMBA! 01/31/19

Week one in Italy- Check! If I could describe this first week in one word, it would be BUSY. I unpacked on Monday, attended classes and orientation on Tuesday and Wednesday, attended the LIFE leadership program Thursday through Saturday, AND traveled on Sunday! Phew, that was a long list. Nonetheless, I have appreciated and enjoyed […]

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  • Kate
  • University of Iowa
  • Fall 2018

Growing Pains 11/27/18

The most challenging part of studying abroad is the growing pains. You’ll experience some of the best moments of your life while nurturing amazing new friendships and connections, but sometimes you’ll catch yourself wishing you could share this experience with your loved ones back home. I was privileged to have two of my oldest friends […]

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  • Abby
  • University of Kansas
  • Fall 2018

Company Tours, and Baby Clothes, and Warehouses, oh my! 11/15/18

This week CIMBA planned a company tour for us. They divided us up by major and sent us on our way to see what an Italian run company looks like. I had the opportunity to tour “Il Gufo”, a high end manufacturer of baby clothes. They walked us through their daily operations, design schedule, and […]

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  • Kate
  • University of Iowa
  • Fall 2018

Why CIMBA? 11/14/18

I’ve known for years that I wanted to study abroad when I was an undergraduate student. Though I hadn’t decided exactly where, I always imagined myself in Europe. After many visits to the study abroad office and extensive research on the different programs, I decided CIMBA was the best possible program available for business students. […]

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  • Abby
  • University of Kansas
  • Fall 2018

An Italian Trip to Asolo 11/08/18

                                                          Last week we went on a field trip in my Italian class. A short bus ride away is the quaint and affluent village of Asolo. Since […]

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  • Kate
  • University of Iowa
  • Fall 2018

Change is a Good Thing 11/06/18

Most students who decide to take the leap into an entirely new country and culture would agree that change is a good thing. As the semester surges forward, the confidence, growth, and cultural understanding becomes more evident in every individual at CIMBA. We have just completed the first travel weekend, and everyone was ecstatic to […]

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  • Abby
  • University of Kansas
  • Fall 2018

LIFE Abroad in Paderno del Grappa 10/29/18

Ciao! Our first week in the beautiful Northern Italian town of Paderno del Grappa was a whirlwind! Forty-three of us arrived on campus from across the United States. We didn’t know one another, speak any Italian, and generally weren’t sure what to expect from the semester. After a couple of days on campus we started […]

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  • Abby
  • University of Kansas
  • Fall 2018

Living out of a Suitcase 101 10/15/18

Buon Giorno! After arriving in Paderno del Grappa just a few short weeks ago, it became obvious that I had success and failure in packing. To start, when I checked into my flight, my luggage was 26 pounds overweight. My mom and I had to go through all my things at the check in counter, […]

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  • Kate
  • University of Iowa
  • Fall 2018

Beginnings Start with Goodbye 10/02/18

I’ll be the first person to admit I thought I was completely ready to take the plunge into a three-month excursion in Europe. I prepared all my documents, packed all my bags, and made the rounds to all my favorite people to tell them goodbye before starting this brand-new chapter. I’ve always been a planner, […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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