My CIMBA Journey: Alessandro Rocchi
1. How did your approach to the business world change during or after your MBA?
Thanks to the preparation obtained through the MBA training course, I was able to approach topics that I previously managed based on experience, with method, awareness, and competence. The preparation-experience mix allows me today to serenely manage the topics under my responsibility and ensure reliability for the company and our stakeholders.
2. What do you feel was the most valuable lesson you took from it?
The most valuable lesson I learned from the MBA was to work as a team. Given the roles of responsibility I've held over the course of my career, I've gotten used to working mainly alone over time, coordinating numerous people. Thanks to the MBA experience, I understood instead the importance and the "beauty" of teamwork and the quality of the result that is obtained with the contribution of all the different points of view. The international environment allows you to deal with cultures that are completely different from your own and to open to new ways of thinking and approaching business and life in general. Thanks to the MBA and CIMBA, I have grown a lot, especially as a person.
3. How did your career path change after the MBA?
After a 25-year career within the same company with various roles of responsibility up to the achievement of General Management, a position held for over 6 years, I changed company about a year ago and today I manage a company belonging to a multinational group. Certainly, the MBA has allowed me to expand my opportunities on the job market, and, being aware of my abilities, has stimulated the need to "get involved" and face new experiences.
4. What is your most cherished memory from your time at CIMBA?
The most cherished memory of my time at Cimba is the general atmosphere that was breathed inside the classrooms and corridors and the personal relationship that was established with all the participants. Despite having to attend classes during the weekend, after a heavy and difficult week of work and having to sacrifice time to spend with my family, I couldn't wait to reach CIMBA to learn new topics and share the experience with my classmates.