MBA Class of 2020 Coaching Journey

On October 29th, 2019, our Full-Time MBA students dived deep into their team coaching journey with our ICF Professional Certified Coach Katiuscia Baggio, who challenged and supported them in pursuing the best version of themselves. From their first MBA team coaching session, they enjoyed four monthly meetings as a class to build the foundation of the team by creating a mission statement and a set of "team" rules to commit to - all of which to deepen their connections.
“To bring out the best in each other, we ARE” has been their mission statement for their past, present, and future in CIMBA!
The beginning of the three different consulting projects marked the start of a new part of the journey. Our students, divided into three groups, kept in mind their team mission statement while shifting their focus towards their own consulting teams. After their first face-to-face meeting, Katiuscia promptly converted the meetings into online coaching sessions to keep on developing the students into the best people they can be in response to COVID-19 outbreak. Throughout these meetings, our MBAs had the opportunity to explore what was happening within the consulting teams from a relationship point of view, as well as to practice their leadership and facilitation skills.
They are almost at the end of their journey and we took the opportunity to ask them for their key takeaways, their best moments, and some comments on their experience:
The team coaching was very useful for me because it helped each member of the team to better voice their opinions and collaborate on their ideas. - Jaime (MBA '20)
The team coaching was a good way to set common goals and to get closer to my classmates. It was a great way to practice giving and receiving feedback, and to know what your peers really think about you, providing motivation to improve. - Mattia (MBA '20)
Team coaching was the most exciting experience I’ve ever had. It is very difficult in real life to have the possibility to connect to your peers on this level. It is a great training ground to build the skills to establish an effective, trustworthy bond with coworkers. - Simone (MBA '20)
The team coaching session has been an extremely valuable opportunity to know my classmates and to connect with them, as well as to learn powerful tools that will make the difference in the next team-activity I’ll dive deep into. - Alessandra (MBA '20)
Team coaching has been an eye-opener and a reaffirmation of the fact that together we achieve more. The best moment has been to experience the diversity in our personalities when honing in on the team’s mission statement. - Supriya (MBA '20)
Our MBAs really challenged themselves during the consulting journey and Katiuscia did a great job in supporting their leadership skill development! They successfully implemented new cognitive and behavioral changes and investigated their personality types, as well as talents through tests and assessments in order to strengthen their leadership skills.
And this opportunity will for surely provided valuable foundation for their future!