Ciao!! My name is Mekenna Earnhart, and I just finished my sophomore year at the University of Arkansas. My major is broadcast journalism. I love to write and to tell stories, so I am so excited to share my journey abroad with you all. For this first blog post I wanted to share my packing list but with a twist…I thought this blog would be helpful because all amazing trips must come with a dreadful packing list. In this blog, you will see what items I packed that are something you may not think of for your time abroad.

When traveling abroad there is so much more to think about than just your daily wear. The first thing I decided to investigate before packing was the fashion norms abroad. For me, my daily wear consists of my athletic clothes because in the states, dressing casually has been so normalized. However, through my research, I learned that Italians do tend to be more fashion conscious. I also wanted to be sure not having the proper clothing would not hold me back from anything I wanted to experience such as the beautiful cathedrals, so I made sure to pack respectful clothing for these types of excursions, such as pants below the knee and shirts that were not too low cut and covered my shoulders.

Other than clothes let’s move on to some essentials you for sure do not want to forget!

Power converter

A power converter is easy to order and a must if wanting to plug anything in while in Italy. I purchased mine off of Amazon for a really good price that comes with multiple different plug types. The voltage in Italy is much higher than that of the United States and this can blow out your plugs. A converter is a must-have purchase before your trip.

Passport cover

A passport is something you will use a ton while in Italy for identification purposes and travel. I recommend a passport cover because losing your passport while abroad would be such a nightmare and a cover just adds the extra security as well as makes it easier to find in your bag. I also found that my passport cover provides a great place for me to store my vaccination card as well. Both your passport and vaccination card (if applicable) will be used often, so more than likely, they will always be on you. A passport cover prevents them from getting ruined in your bags.

Extra Bag

During your time at CIMBA, you will want to travel a ton and so packing an extra duffel bag that is smaller than your giant checked bag will help you pack for those quick weekend trips off campus to where you do not have to lug around your giant suitcase. This makes traveling much easier!

Download apps

Downloading these apps before you leave can save your data and your time!

  • Trenitalia – The train service you will be using during your time abroad
  • Currency Converter – To see how the different currencies transfer back as US dollars
  • Translate – Most people know English but it always helps to have a translator app on hand
  • Airbnb\VRBO – Already having an account with these apps will help your weekend travels go much easier

I hope that this packing list has helped you on your potential journey abroad and has taken some of the packing worries away.

Ciao for now,

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