Before leaving the United States, I flooded Google with searches like “study abroad tips”, “affording study abroad”, “how to pack for study abroad”, “must-see places in Europe” and anything else that could help me prepare. Is there any possible way to be 100% prepared? Honestly, when you’re leaving everything you know for a new life across the world, I’m not sure if it’s possible to be totally ready for the journey…but these are a few of the tips that helped my decision process and have eased my experience abroad!

1. Scholarships!

All jokes aside, studying abroad is not cheap. College is a pricey thing in general. Take that and move it across the world, add on flight prices, train tickets, souvenirs, food and drinks, and, suddenly, your bank account is in shock. One of the best opportunities that CIMBA provides is an endless amount of scholarships to apply for. So, write that extra application, or do the Skype interview that you might be crazy nervous about. Scholarships take time and energy, but in the end, they enable you to spend your money on seeing more of the world, which is invaluable.

2. Choose a location that fits your interests

When I began looking into study abroad programs, I didn’t have to look far. I was drawn to CIMBA for a variety of reasons, but one of the most prominent was its location. CIMBA is located in the Veneto region, which is in Northern Italy, about an hour drive from the Venice airport. I knew that I wanted to be in an area that would provide easy access to other European countries, so CIMBA fit perfectly. When picking where you’ll be studying abroad, location is a major factor. Do your research about the area in which you’ll be staying and the areas around it as another determining factor.

3. Get an international card

Before heading abroad for any reason, getting an international card is huge money saver. International fees wrack up fast, and the hassle of calling your bank for fraud detection is not a great time, by any means.

4. Prepare your personal travel location interests, but keep an open mind

When studying abroad, most programs provide a few weekends open for travel. As you start coordinating those weekends with new friends, it’s important to remember the places that are at the top of your list. Remember that this may be a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see the certain places you’ve always wanted to see, and find people to travel with that want to see the same places. Make your personal experience a priority. That being said, one of my favorite experiences while traveling has been going to places I’ve never even heard of, or ever planned to go. Be open to adjusting your plans, go with the flow, and have no regrets!

There are so many additional tips that I’ve taken into account that have made my transition to life in Italy smoother. These are four of the most prominent pieces that have gotten me to where I am now and that I use every day!

Ciao for now!


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