Taking a Short Break from the Craziness of Travel

We now have two days left of class before being on a travel break! It has been super fun hearing about all of the fun places everybody will be going this weekend. I will be traveling with my mom for the first week of fall break and am in the process of planning my final weekend in Bologna.
For the last two weekends since my previous entry, I have stayed on campus. I chose to do this because I was craving some alone time and wanted to cut down on some spending! I think it is important to prioritize having time to yourself, especially when you are used to having more of it. Even if that means staying on campus, so what! I also knew that some of my favorite food and drink have been local, mostly in Bassano del Grappa. The best wine and mimosas I have had so far have been in Bassano.
Also, on Monday during our Italy Live class we went to local small town Asolo, where I went with my peers to a local caffè to order gelato solely in Italian. Before ordering, we walked around the locality and examined some of the history of Asolo. I learned that there is an amazing view of campus and Monte Grappa in Asolo that I hope to see again. My order went like this: “Un cono di gelato con uno palline, limone e un bicchiere di un’acqua minerale naturale per favore.” If you are confused, like I was a month ago, it means, “A cone of gelato with one scoop of lemon and a glass of still water please.”