So Far So Good

So far, the CIMBA experience has been absolutely electric. I wanted to write specifically about the program so far and then highlight how easy it is to travel on the weekends to all the cool sights and scenes that Paderno Del Grappa has to offer.
First, CIMBA has been nothing short of a fantastic growing experience. Not only do the copious number of programs teach valuable skills, but they also teach you about yourself. For example, all day today, the Genesis program was about self-reflection and what it looks like to possess a healthy identity. We split up into teams and got to know each other quite well; an experience I highly doubt other programs might offer. As well, the CIMBA staff are extremely accommodating and helpful when it comes to questions and helping plan travel. I unfortunately was sick the very first day upon arrival because of jetlag and all of them were extremely understanding and quick to help in any way that they could. Even the professors were extremely forgiving and a delight to work with.
Lastly, the travel experiences so far have been incredible. I went to Venice with a group of six people I met through the program and had an absolute blast. The ease of just getting on a train and going is something I did not expect, and it has been fantastic to experience. Venice itself was incredible as it felt like stepping into a history museum that functions as an entire town. The sights were incredible and the city itself was immaculate and delightful.
All of that said, CIMBA has been a wonderful experience, and I would be not the least hesitant to say that it has indeed been so far so good!