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  • Carly
  • Furman University
  • 2012 Fall

Land of Spaghetti and Meatballs 09/14/12

These past few days have been a whirlwind of events. Between starting classes and attending orientation events, I’m still trying to adjust to the six hour time change. Thankfully, it’s almost the weekend and we can rest up for our first full week of classes and activities! This weekend, I plan on hiking to the […]

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  • Elizabeth
  • Furman University
  • 2012 Fall

Ciao, Graci… That's all I got… 09/12/12

Bongiorno from Italy! My name is Elizabeth. Its only my second full day in Paderno del Grappa, so I’m just going to take this time to introduce myself. I am a junior Business Administration and Sociology major from Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina. I grew up in the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia. My family […]

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  • Michael
  • University of Iowa
  • 2012 Spring

A Bittersweet Departure. 04/24/12

Well the time has come…. You are beginning to stress about the thought of life back in America but you have those four or five finals floating in the back of your mind. What should you do? Begin to stress even more about when you are going to pack or when you are going to […]

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  • Melanie
  • University of Iowa
  • 2012 Spring

It's Finals Time in Paderno! 04/11/12

It is crazy to think that there are only 3 days and 5 finals between me and the start of my summer!  Usually I am eagerly counting down to the start of summer for weeks, but this year it is definitely bittersweet.  On one hand, I am so excited to see all of my friends […]

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  • Melanie
  • University of Iowa
  • 2012 Spring

It's Soccer Time! 04/02/12

This past week the class of Spring 2012 got our chance to participate in a beloved CIMBA tradition, a soccer game verses the Italian students!  This highly anticipated game is complete with spectators and a referee.  The past 2 semesters the CIMBA team has managed to beat the Italian team at the sport that is […]

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  • Vanessa
  • University of Iowa
  • 2012 Spring

Seville, Spain: Quite Possibly the Greatest Place on Earth 04/02/12

Seville, Spain: home to beautiful landmarks, amazing tapas, and the most relaxing atmosphere one could ever hope to find.  After visiting the city last week during the second of our two nine-day travel breaks, I can confidently say that it has quickly become my absolute favorite place to visit – and one that I would […]

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  • Michael
  • University of Iowa
  • 2012 Spring

Surviving Barcelona 04/02/12

For my second travel week, I visited Barcelona. Barcelona has been ranked the 14th most ‘livable city’ in the world and is the 4th most visited city in Europe behind Paris, Rome, and London. If you are interested in visiting a city that offers historic sights as well a unique nightlife, Barcelona is the place […]

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  • Melanie
  • University of Iowa
  • 2012 Spring

The Sun Will Come Out, Tomorrow! 04/02/12

It never rains in Barcelona… until it does! We just had our second travel week, which means that we got 10 full days off of school to explore Europe.  Along with two friends, I spent days planning out every last detail of my trip.  We had it all figured out; we were starting in Paris, […]

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  • Michael
  • University of Iowa
  • 2012 Spring

Relaxation in Sicily 03/27/12

Are you getting tired of the touristy cities and the constant traveling between sights, but cannot decide what country will give you the relaxed atmosphere you are looking for? It didn’t take much to draw me into traveling to Sicily. When my friend Juliana and I were discussing our next travel plans, she said: “I think I […]

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  • Vanessa
  • University of Iowa
  • 2012 Spring

Add a Seat to the Table 03/19/12

Last night, I had one of the best experiences I’ve had with CIMBA thus far – and that’s saying a lot.  I was fortunate enough to participate in a program called Add a Seat to the Table, which pairs CIMBA students with the families of local Italian high schoolers to share a meal, whether at […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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