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  • Sam
  • Syracuse University
  • 2017 Summer

Arrival 05/19/17

The trip over has gone very well so far and morale is still high even after the 10-hour flight! Arriving at CIMBA has been very exciting so far. We took a tour of campus and partially of the city center in Paderno del Grappa earlier. During the tour, we learned about the town’s history and […]

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  • Madison
  • University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  • Summer 2017

5 Things I’m Feeling Before Going Abroad 05/15/17

It’s the week before I depart for Italy, and I feel like the days are passing in seconds. A couple days ago I was taking my last final and packing up the car for the eight hour drive home. My freshman year was officially over. All last week I spent packing my dorm, and now […]

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  • Sydney
  • The University of Iowa
  • 2017 Spring

Why Studying Abroad is Good for You 05/15/17

As college students, we sure engage in a lot of behavior that is less than ideal for our still developing minds and bodies. We live off more caffeinated drinks than we do hours of sleep, are quick to get pizza and wings delivered to the library as a midnight snack, and drown ourselves in social […]

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  • Sydney
  • The University of Iowa
  • 2017 Spring

12 Things I’ve Learned After 12 Weeks Abroad 05/09/17

Well, it’s hard to believe that my CIMBA adventure is over. But after 9 countries, 25 cities, and 83 days, it’s only appropriate to reflect on the biggest takeaways from the best time of my life. 1.) Say “YES!” to the random place you never thought you would ever go to. Budapest definitely wasn’t on […]

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  • Mallory
  • University of Colorado-Boulder
  • 2017 Spring

Arrivederci Italy! 04/21/17

If I were to write down every thought I have had since being home, this post would be around 100 pages long. I have had a roller coaster of emotions going on. From happiness of seeing my family and getting to sleep in my own bed to sadness of leaving all the amazing friends behind […]

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  • Carley
  • University of Missouri
  • 2017 Spring

Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable 04/05/17

After 12 weeks, 7 countries, and 11 cities, it’s safe to say life has been anything but consistent. Three months ago I probably would’ve said that was a bad thing, but today I would argue that it has kept my life abroad interesting. While constantly traveling to new places and having to adapt to new […]

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  • Mallory
  • University of Colorado-Boulder
  • 2017 Spring

Comparing Cultures Across Europe! 04/05/17

Since moving to Italy about 70 days ago, I have immersed myself into a totally new culture. And not one that’s somewhat similar to the United States. I mean, don’t get me wrong, there are similarities between the two but when looking at the cultures as a whole, they are very different. Living in Italy […]

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  • Sydney
  • The University of Iowa
  • 2017 Spring

Smartphone Survival: The Top 5 Apps To Get You Through Study Abroad 04/05/17

1.) CityMaps CityMaps allows you to download maps while on wifi and then use them offline through your location services. Aside from helping you find a train station or your hostel, CityMaps will also help you find and filter everything from a restaurant with a rooftop terrace to the best places to go sightseeing in […]

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  • Carley
  • University of Missouri
  • 2017 Spring

5 Things They Don’t Tell You About Studying Abroad 04/05/17

Before coming to CIMBA, I was constantly told about all the friends I was going to make, all the places I would see, how I would learn more about myself, and how studying abroad would help me see the world from a different perspective. While all those things are 100% true, there were a few […]

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  • Mallory
  • University of Colorado-Boulder
  • 2017 Spring

How to Plan a Successful Travel Week 04/05/17

By now, most of us have mastered the art of planning a travel weekend. You figure out where you want to go, then all the rest seems somewhat simple.   Planning an entire travel week has many more moving parts and is often more difficult to execute without mistakes, BUT with these tips, you’ll be […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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