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  • Julianna

Traveling Tips! 10/30/17

Spirits are high at CIMBA with travel week approaching. Everyone is studying for their last few exams before the break, starting to pack, and planning exactly what they want to see for the 10 days off. Overall, planning weekly trips is super exciting but also a bit stressful. Here is a list of some helpful […]

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  • Caroline
  • Furman University
  • 2017 Fall

Traveling in Two’s (or Three’s, or Four’s…) 10/24/17

        Ciao! All is well here in Paderno del Grappa, especially because our week of classes has ended and we are soon to depart for our first extended travel weekend. The Cimbians are going to various different places—Barcelona, Amsterdam, and Corfu. I am heading to Florence, and I could not be more […]

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  • Julianna

When L.I.F.E. Hits 10/24/17

After less than a week of getting to know each other, my new friends and I started the LIFE program (Leadership Initiative for Excellence). LIFE can best be described as an intensive leadership program in which we broke through our barriers, learned to be passionate, and accepted vulnerability. With all the ups and downs, I […]

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  • Caroline
  • Furman University
  • 2017 Fall

An Ode to the Small Towns 10/23/17

           Ciao tutti! This past weekend, several Cimbians and I took a break from travelling and stayed local in Paderno. It was a much needed break from the rush of seeing a new place, and we had a blast exploring all the area has to offer. It made me particularly appreciative […]

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  • Julianna

Local Appreciation – Bassano, Monte Grappa, and Crespano 10/23/17

Although Paderno has a population of 2000 people, that doesn’t stop it from providing a weekend full of exciting adventures. Between the night life of Bassano, the breathtaking views from the summit of Monte Grappa, and the bustling Sunday Market in Crespano, there was never a dull moment. We began our weekend by checking out […]

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  • Julianna

First Travel Weekend! 10/23/17

So much happened in such a quick four-day travel weekend that I don’t even know where to begin. Although there were some bumps in the road, overall, it was a success! My friends and I decided to visit Barcelona and London this weekend. In hindsight, it probably wasn’t the best idea to pick these two […]

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  • Caroline
  • Furman University
  • 2017 Fall

Take It Slow, Take It In 10/23/17

        When I decided to study abroad, I could not help but think about all the countries I would explore during my time in Italy. I would be in Europe for three months, so why not try to see as many places as I possibly could, right?         Well, […]

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  • Caroline
  • Furman University
  • 2017 Fall

My Italian First Impressions 09/27/17

Everyone knows the power of a first impression. First impressions set the tone for how we view a person, place, or experience. Having now spent two and half weeks in Paderno del Grappa, I have experienced lots of first impressions of this place and these people. It’s been equal parts exhausting, exciting, overwhelming, and eye-opening. […]

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  • Julianna

What I Learned From The DaVinci Challenge 09/21/17

Three days after our arrival to Paderno del Grappa, every student spent the day participating in the DaVinci Challenge.  This challenge is a team-building event that uses extreme trust exercises to help connect a group. The tasks were difficult, not only because we were all jet-lagged, but also because we hadn’t formally gotten to know each other […]

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  • Julianna

Pre-Departure Dos and Don’ts 09/18/17

In preparation for my first study abroad experience, the past few weeks have been nothing short of hectic. Learning to step out of my comfort zone to book this trip was a learning experience within itself. Over the course of this summer, I have prepared for this trip not only materialistically with supplies, but also […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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