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  • Taylor
  • Iowa State University
  • Spring 2019

3 Months Later… 06/19/19

I can’t believe how fast this semester went!  The last few days of being at CIMBA were a little hectic between finals, packing, and saying goodbyes.  I never thought I’d make such great friends in just three months, and I can’t wait until we’re all reunited again.  The travel, food, and lessons learned through this […]

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  • Sydney
  • University of Iowa
  • Summer 2019

Smart Travel Planning 06/17/19

*Spoiler alert* There is no perfect way to study abroad and to plan your travel adventures. It’s all about finding the right balance of what you want to do and see, and finding what works best for you. Who to travel with: For me, it was a matter of finding a group of people who […]

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  • Katie

New Places and Many New Faces 06/13/19

Let me let you in on a little secret. I was not an avid coffee drinker before coming to Italy, and no I did not start drinking coffee here because I was tempted by the cute cups and the gorgeous crema on top. I. Was. TIRED. Know that you will be exhausted for the entirety […]

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  • Sydney
  • University of Iowa
  • Summer 2019

Pure Bliss 06/13/19

London was INCREDIBLE. Like ‘I-want-to-live-here-when-do-I-get-to-come-back?’ type of incredible. It had a big city feel but still included areas of luscious green parks where you could slow down to take a nice walk. There was a variety of food places to represent the blending of cultures in a small area. Each neighborhood had its own distinct […]

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  • Sydney
  • University of Iowa
  • Summer 2019

When In Rome… 06/10/19

Rome was an astonishing city full of history in any direction that you looked. I thoroughly enjoyed my weekend there, and loved seeing such iconic places that I’ve heard so much about. It was three days full of breathtaking moments, appreciation for art, and exploring the city that is known for so many things. My […]

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  • Katie

Magical Memories 06/10/19

As I sit at the picnic table on campus I take this time to reflect on how perfect this past weekend was. I’ll be honest, although I’ve had a great time thus far, I have been waiting for that “WOW” moment. The moment that exceeded all my expectations. Well, no more waiting for me. I […]

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  • Sydney
  • University of Iowa
  • Summer 2019

Exceeding My Expectations Already 05/29/19

Ciao! Italy has been better than I ever imagined, and this past week has been nothing short of magical. I have met new people, traveled to new places, and have found a love for this new culture that I am experiencing in exciting ways daily. Even with rainy weather in the forecast (it’s been one […]

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  • Katie

Let the Adventures Begin… 05/29/19

Campus Life Being situated in the foothills of a small town away from mass tourism allows for a glimpse of what it’s like to live in Italy. This may just be me, but it’s easy to imagine Italians leading these romantic, fantasy-like lives where everything is perfect and every meal is fantastic. But guess what…Italians […]

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  • Sydney
  • University of Iowa
  • Summer 2019

Packing & Preparing: Italy Awaits! 05/21/19

I can’t believe the day is finally here… although I’m incredibly excited to embark on this adventure, I am a little nervous as well! This past week was full of last minute errands, trying to fit everything in my suitcase, and saying goodbye to friends and family. I have never been to Europe before, so […]

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  • Katie

Serendipitous Moments Ahead 05/21/19

Italia. Never did I imagine I would have the fortune to visit this faraway land. To have the privilege of traveling on my own, away from all that is familiar, is truly a gift. Crawling out of my comfort zone will allow me to grow, become a more independent woman, and expand my worldview. There […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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