Packing for Italy!

I know packing for a 12-week trip is scary, but do not fret! After being here for a few weeks, I have figured out some things that I wish I had packed. So here are some things that I did not think about until being here:
Spray and wash!
· This one is such a biggie for me. I realized within the first week that something is bound to get stained and oh my did I go on the hunt for it in the bigger cities.
Tide sticks!
· This played hand in hand with spray and wash, but here tide sticks are not a thing, and you cannot find them on Italian Amazon unless you want to pay about $60 for one tide stick. So, bring more than you anticipate you will need.
Safety pins!
· I definitely did not think about these and now my parents are bringing me some when they come to visit. So be proactive and maybe throw a few in!
Zip-loc bags!
· Personally, I did not think of these until I started traveling around and I needed something to put my toiletries in, so they didn't spill all over my clothes!
A few more sweaters!
· It got just a touch colder, quicker, here than expected in the fall and I wish I had just a few more sweaters, they are now on my, need-to-purchase list!! Also, if you do go to Germany at all, it will be substantially colder than Italy and I learned that one the hard way, so hopefully you don't have to!
A little bit of American candy, but specifically gummies, they are harder to find here!
· Here they have so many chocolate options which is amazing for my chocolate lovers, but I highly suggest some gummy candies because I promise you, you will find a craving for them while you are here and not a way to get them.
I also included some fun pictures of pizza making and a photo with friends at the amazing gelato shop near the pizza place! Just a sneak peek into CIMBA! I hope you have safe travels and happy packing!! Enjoy! <3