As I sit in the airport ready to board my flight home, it is finally hitting me what I’ve just accomplished. Studying abroad through CIMBA was one of the greatest experiences of my life.

How my experience differed from what I expected

The biggest thing I did not expect was the sense of family we had within our CIMBA cohort. Initially, I had planned on getting to know a few people and traveling with them. I was so wrong, and thank god I was. I just know that my entire class – all 33 of us – will be present at my future wedding one day. Some even in my wedding party! I had not expected to create such close relationships with people after only three months. Keep an open mind and be welcoming to the idea of so many new friends.

What I wish I had done differently

Before arriving in Italy, I decided I would go with the flow and not make any planned trips. I thought this would leave me completely free to wherever the wind would take me while in Italy. And it did! However, if I were to go back, I would definitely create that bucket list of countries and cities to hit up. So many missed opportunities… (Poland and Amsterdam, I’m looking at you…)

How the CIMBA experience changed the way I live

After experiencing LIFE, studying at CIMBA, and traveling all over Europe, I will return home with a newfound sense of maturity and patience. As you may have heard, nothing moves very quickly in Italy, which means you are endlessly working on your patience and enjoying each other’s company. Along with those qualities, I have grown to deeper appreciate different cultures and people. Being able to listen instead of speak is the best advice I can give to anyone traveling abroad. Open your ears and it will open your mind.

Thank you CIMBA for showing me how I can constantly grow and learn. I am in endless debt to you.

Ciao for now, Italia!


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