Introducing Myself and Preparing to Study Abroad

Hi everyone! My name is Julia Bernstein, and I wanted to start by introducing myself. I am a sophomore at Berry College, and I am majoring in international business and finance. Traveling abroad for a semester has been something I have wanted to do since high school and I am so excited that I am getting the chance to go abroad this semester through the CIMBA program. Some of my hobbies include taking care of my houseplants, going to concerts, and hanging out with my friends. A fun fact about me is that I raise honeybees with my family. I want to talk a little about my expectations for the semester prior to my departure and why I decided to travel abroad.

I wanted to travel abroad for a few years just to get out and explore the world around me as the different traditions and ways of life have always interested me. Traveling abroad has become a dream experience and a goal for me as I want to learn more about different countries, cultures, and customs from around the world. That said, I feel the best way to learn about a culture is to be fully immersed in it for a length of time. This is why I have chosen to study abroad through the CIMBA program for the spring semester!

I have never traveled abroad before, but Italy seemed like a beautiful place to start but there was one issue… Where to study?? Not knowing where to start was intimidating, not only for myself but my family who wanted to be assured that I would be safe and have a fun time. I also had the added push to travel abroad as it is required for my international business major. I talked to my advisors about what was best for me and felt secure in my decision to travel abroad when my advisors from my home university recommended the CIMBA program. I am super excited for the semester and the new experiences to come!

One of the things I am most excited about is learning the origins and traditions of food across the country and in other bordering countries when I take weekend trips. I think the origins of food tell us so much about the people and give us a unique outlook on their culture. I am also excited to eat new foods I have never tried before and to explore the country’s art and architecture as well because it all looks beautiful!

In terms of classwork, I am taking six classes during the semester, and I am excited to see how different the classes are abroad. I am also looking forward to meeting new people and making new friends. I think I could gain some friendships that will last a lifetime through this program, and it would be a blast to meet some people who share the same passion for traveling and exploring cultures that I have. I do not expect the coursework to be easy, but I expect it to be valuable and with the right professors, I know I will have a successful semester academically.

Although studying abroad can seem scary, I highly suggest checking it out. I feel very prepared for my time abroad and it is all thanks to the amazing staff that have been helping me along the way. Even though I have not left yet, I know this is going to be a semester to remember!

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