I Never Thought I Would Be Studying Abroad, But Here I Am

First things first, I think introductions are important so you know more about the person you’re talking to, or better yet reading from. My name is Danielle (Dani) Cann and I am a junior studying Business Marketing at West Virginia University. I don’t want to bore you with things like what to pack while studying abroad in Italy or places to go visit because for me personally, those just depend on what type of person you are. So, what I will tell you about is why I decided to study abroad.

I truly can’t remember a time this past school year that I was not talking about this trip that I was going on. It has felt like I have been destined to go on this trip for forever, although we all know it wasn’t really like that. I remember getting my first email about it. I was in South Carolina, visiting my grandparents in August as school had just begun and I got an email that said study abroad in Italy, and my first thought was that is crazy and seems super expensive. Most of my life in recent years, all I have wanted to do was travel, whether it was just in the U.S. or other countries. I did not care- I just wanted to get out of this time zone, something I have never done before. And sure enough, the day my grandfather passed away, I got an email asking about studying abroad in Italy. I could not have been more thrilled when I received the email. Something was just telling me that my grandfather wanted me to go. I always talked about traveling as he did when he was about my age, although he did not have a choice since a war was going on and he was drafted, but still, think of it as a glass half full kind of adventure.

As I continued through this process, there was a lot of paperwork and expenses that needed to be worked out. Just going alone was all a very scary thing for me. I had never been out of this time zone, let alone the country, and I was going all by myself without knowing anyone. Only 10-15 people from my college were going, out of the hundreds that go there. It was a scary and nervous feeling and something I never thought I would be able to do.

With the help from my mother, father, friends, and most importantly, the sign from my grandfather, I knew that it was an adventure that was going to be worth my while.  I finally feel like it was something I was supposed to do. Don’t get me wrong though, I am still incredibly nervous but excited about this new adventure and where it might take me. And who knows I might even learn something!

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