Andiamo in Italia

Ciao! I’m Abbey Wilson from the University of Iowa, studying Marketing and Event Management, and I decided to go abroad on a whim with my friend, Hannah Row!
Although my study abroad experience has begun differently than most, with two weeks of independent travel in Ireland and London, I am now settling into CIMBA with the other students.
So, why CIMBA?
As funny as it sounds, I have missed the dorm environment that I had freshman year. This was one of the biggest reasons I chose the CIMBA program. This living situation allows for a tight-knit community because of the constant social events. We have town hall meetings, KT Training, and the LIFE course that bring us closer. As if this isn’t convincing enough, the location couldn’t be more perfect as it is close to the mountains and a short drive to Venice.
Aside from campus life, CIMBA’s campus is conveniently located 30 minutes from both Castelfranco and Bassano Del Grappa train station. These train stations have endless routes to Venice Mestre, followed by a quick shuttle to Marco Polo Airport.
Furthermore, CIMBA’s three travel weekends and travel week made it impossible to resist. The community built around this school makes you feel as though you are not away from home at all.
In the first two and a half weeks of being at CIMBA, I have created unbreakable bonds with other students and have become more organized academically because of the busy weekends.
Join me on my European adventure!
All of the spots I would love to travel to this semester include:
- Barcelona
- Morocco
- Paris
- Croatia
- Monte Carlo
- Nice
- Mykonos
- Athens
- Rome
Stay tuned for all of the cities I cross off!
Ciao for now,