Tag Result For: travel

  • Katie
  • The University of Iowa
  • 2016 Summer

From Paderno to Paris: How Culture Shock Follows You Everywhere 06/13/16

The ever-so-familiar sound of Italian chatter swarms around me in the train station. After three weeks abroad, these conversations are simply backround noise. I used to be overwhelmed with confusion. I did not understand a word of what people were saying. I would sit in awe at how much I misunderstood. Now, my experiences are […]

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  • Samantha
  • University of Minnesota
  • 2016 Summer

Act Globally, Think Locally: The Importance of an International Experience 06/09/16

International experience is a necessity for personal growth and development. This experience provides students with unique opportunity to combine international travel with an international education. This allows for ample opportunity to expand our intellectual experience, as well as our business knowledge. I am a senior at the University of Minnesota, majoring in Marketing and minoring in […]

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  • Megan
  • Western Michigan University
  • 2016 Summer

CIMBA Relationships are Second to None 06/07/16

As soon as you arrive on campus at CIMBA, you will immediately begin to create relationships. The staff at the school, who are often not even related to the CIMBA program, want to help. Your peers, who are just as excited and nervous as you, want to help. The community, for example the store owners across […]

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  • Megan
  • Western Michigan University
  • 2016 Summer

5 Tips for Maintaining a Budget While Traveling Abroad 05/31/16

It’s no secret, traveling can be expensive. Most people are saving money for months before they start their traveling endeavor, especially to a foreign country. Right now, 1 euro is equivalent to 1.11 US dollar, which makes traveling to Europe more costly than spending money within the United States. However, if saved and spent wisely, […]

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  • Kaden
  • Kansas State University
  • 2016 Summer

Hostel (No, Not the Movie): What to Look for When Booking a Hostel for Travel in Europe 05/27/16

I was nervous about several things before my study abroad experience, but the main thing was staying in my first hostel.  Hostels are places that offer inexpensive food and lodging for travelers and are the main form of lodging for students traveling in Europe.  I heard from people who have seen the Hostel movie trilogy […]

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  • Katie
  • The University of Iowa
  • 2016 Summer

“If You Give a Girl a Passport…” – Advice for the First Time International Traveler 05/18/16

Overflowing airports, tedious security systems, strangers running wild for the gate that they should have been at an hour ago – these are just some of the common, unsettling sights of traveling. If flying isn’t nerve wracking enough, then international traveling most definitely is enough to put you over the edge, especially if you’re a […]

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  • Kaden
  • Kansas State University
  • 2016 Summer

“We’re Not In Kansas Anymore” 05/16/16

Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz had lived her whole life in Kansas.  She lived a simple life on the farm with her family and her friends.  When she traveled to the land of Oz, her eyes were opened up to a whole new world.  She met people that were different than her, traveled to […]

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  • Mikaela
  • University of Minnesota
  • 2016 Spring

The #1 Thing to Have When Traveling 04/26/16

It’s sad to say that my time left on this beautiful Italian campus is coming to a close. Without a doubt though, I am leaving with memories of the amazing people I have met along my journey and the experiences that have improved who I am. Of course not forgetting the 8 incredible countries I’ve explored […]

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  • Alicia
  • Western Michigan University
  • 2016 Spring

Traveling Mindfully: Five Breaths 04/25/16

One of the more emphasized, overarching lessons of the CIMBA program is learning how to be more mindful or aware of the current moment you are in. There were a great many ways to incorporate this into travel, but I chose to concentrate on a single breath in each new place I visited. Cataloging an […]

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  • Emily
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • 2016 Spring

Looking at the World Through A New Lens: Reflections on Study Abroad 04/20/16

I actually cannot believe my time abroad has come to a close. It seems like just yesterday I was packing up my bags thinking of what to write about for my first CIMBA blog—how far we’ve come! Looking back, it’s hard to think of words to sum up the experience as a whole. I learned […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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