Tag Result For: Rome

  • Jennifer
  • Furman University
  • 2014 Fall

"Rome"ing for a Weekend 12/06/14

The fit four headed out for another adventure. ROME! We planned it for only two days- which was so not enough time, but let me tell you something- worth every second. We arrived through AlItalia, which you will learn is the best airline to use here unless (you’re feeling thrifty and a bit daring to […]

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  • Mia

The Longest Trip-Napoli-Roma-Assisi-Firenze 12/01/14

Ciao!!! This post will be the longest and contain the largest amount of pictures. For the whole 8th week, Jaein, Ham, Jinshu and I traveled around mid part Italy. Our Itinerary was Napoli-Roma-Assisi-Firenze. In English, the names are a little different: Naples-Rome-Assisi-Florence, but I prefer to use the original name since it is more comfortable to […]

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  • Megan
  • Western Michigan University
  • 2015 Spring

Roma! 06/11/14

The Eternal City is one of the most accurate nicknames for Rome that I could think of. There are (and were) way too many things to fit into a 3-day weekend, but rest assured, we tried our best. Now, I’m going to spare you all the gritty, sweaty details (it was like 90 degrees all […]

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  • Olivia
  • Iowa State University
  • 2014 Summer

Ending with a BANG in Roma! 06/10/14

Although I have only been in Italy for a mere three weeks, it seems like a year. You are planning, laughing, and exploring with people you did not know a month ago. It is crazy! My final weekend in Roma was just that. Ending with the beautiful capital of Italy was just the cherry on […]

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  • Adam
  • University of Iowa
  • 2014 Summer

The Roman Finale 06/10/14

If you ever have the privilege and pleasure of traveling to Rome, don’t try to do it in a weekend. You will not be able to see everything you should and you’ll kick yourself for rushing through trying to get to everything. The Vatican and Coliseum tours will take an entire afternoon, and with the […]

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  • Peyton
  • University of Arkansas
  • 2014 Spring

When in Rome… (Yes, please continue) 04/03/14

There was no question as to what country I wanted to go to when I decided to study abroad. I have grown up with proud Italian roots, I have spent the majority of my life in Catholic school, and the most of the meals cooked in my household are indeed, you guessed it: Italian. I […]

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  • Danielle
  • Iowa State University
  • 2014 Spring

When in Rome 03/10/14

This past weekend was one of the best weekends I have had here in Italy. From local restaurants to street kebabs, and karaoke to packed bars, so many great memories were made. Our travel break this weekend was from Thursday to Sunday. We left for Rome on Wednesday night and arrived at about 11pm. Our […]

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  • Peyton
  • University of Arkansas
  • 2014 Spring

Study Abroad Insights 03/07/14

I have spent a lot of time reflecting on the surprises, realizations and knowledge I’ve gained since I left home 9 weeks ago. I came to Europe with an extensive list of things to do and places to go and monuments to see, but I have realized that that is not what I will carry […]

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  • Cassie
  • University of Kansas
  • 2013 Fall

A Once in a Lifetime Opportunity 11/27/13

Ciao! What an amazing weekend this last one was. I had the chance to visit Rome, which was absolutely incredible. The only thing that possibly could have been better was the weather, which was pouring down rain all day on Saturday. However, even with the rain, Rome was such an incredible experience and I wish […]

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  • Kim
  • Mount Mercy University
  • 2013 Fall

The Tour of Italy 11/12/13

This past week has been a blur of tours, sights, food, culture, and so much more! We had our first travel break this past week which meant we had a week off of school to travel around Europe. Many CIMBA students traveled to places like Paris, Dublin, London, along with many others. However, for our […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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