Tag Result For: language

  • Kennedy
  • University of Iowa
  • Summer 2018

A Serious Case of the Raffreddore 05/17/18

Imagine this: you’re about to venture out into a brand new cultural experience full of great food, agriculture, people, and scenery and then BOOM. Your nostrils are suddenly stopped up, you cannot hold a conversation longer than 2 minutes without having a coughing attack, and your plane is leaving in less than 24 hours. Sounds…Manageable? […]

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  • John
  • University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
  • Spring 2018

5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Going Abroad 04/25/18

1. Learn un Po ‘di Italiano (a little Italian) Coming to Italy the only thing I knew about the Italian language was it was somewhat similar to Spanish. For me, I planned on taking the Italy Live class offered at CIMBA and I relied on that to survive with my communication in Italy. However, I really […]

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  • Katie
  • The University of Iowa
  • 2016 Summer

From Paderno to Paris: How Culture Shock Follows You Everywhere 06/13/16

The ever-so-familiar sound of Italian chatter swarms around me in the train station. After three weeks abroad, these conversations are simply backround noise. I used to be overwhelmed with confusion. I did not understand a word of what people were saying. I would sit in awe at how much I misunderstood. Now, my experiences are […]

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  • Samantha
  • University of Minnesota
  • 2016 Summer

Culture Shock is Real, Folks. 06/01/16

Traveling throughout Europe, so far, has been the best decision I have ever made. Italy has a beautiful language (‘bella’ means beautiful in Italian, isn’t that so much prettier than English?). The people of Italy are interesting and full of unique perspectives on the world. No matter how much this beautiful land takes my breath […]

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  • Mikaela
  • University of Minnesota
  • 2016 Spring

Being Mindful of Learning Another Language 02/25/16

This past weekend, I traveled through Slovenia; a country where I knew none of the local language. While there, I became much more mindful about the importance of language and culture after an insightful conversation (in English) with a local. Up until now, I have only been to countries where I knew enough of the […]

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  • Elizabeth
  • University of Minnesota
  • 2015 Fall

Quiz: Is CIMBA the Right Fit for You? 12/14/15

After twelve weeks of blogging, I’m running a little bit short on ideas for topics. So, to mix it up a little bit, I’ve created a Buzzfeed-esque quiz. Give it a whirl… see if CIMBA is the right fit for you!  1. What’s your top city to see in Europe?  London Venice Prague 2. How many […]

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  • Elizabeth
  • University of Minnesota
  • 2015 Fall

Survival Italian: Language Basics You Should Know Before Your Trip Abroad 11/30/15

The first thing a lot of people asked me when I told them that I would be spending a semester in Italy was, “Do you speak any Italian?” In fact, I didn’t know any Italian before coming to Italy. However, as soon as I arrived, I wished I had put at least a little bit […]

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  • Drew
  • The University of Iowa
  • 2015 Fall

Why You Should Learn Another Language 10/28/15

This post will be a little different than my previous works as it contains a subject that I am very passionate about: Learning another language. Unlike my previous posts, I won’t tie in my weekly update, but I will go ahead and start with that content. I decided to take a weekend off of traveling […]

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  • Melissa
  • Virginia Tech University
  • 2014 Fall

Now you're speaking my language! 09/21/14

Salve! (Hello!) For those of you who have traveled abroad, you’ll probably be able to relate to this. Potentially the most frightening part of a travel experience is encountering and working around a language barrier. Since I’ve been in Italy, the most rewarding experiences have been those I’ve shared with the locals who speak little […]

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  • Olivia
  • Iowa State University
  • 2014 Summer

Florence has awakened me! 05/28/14

Scrambling throughout my dorm, I quickly throw some clothes in a bag and ran out the door (packing is not my strong suit). I made it just in time to catch the bus to the train station. I could feel my energy level rise as I realized it was my first independent travel weekend. After […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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