Tag Result For: CIMBA life

  • Kevin
  • Clemson University
  • 2016 Spring

Life at CIMBA: What It’s Like Living on Campus 03/24/16

Every study abroad program is slightly different and each has their positives and negatives regarding their living conditions. CIMBA is a very unique program, and although this is my first time studying abroad, based on my conversations with friends and other study abroad students, here are a few unique parts of living at CIMBA. Dorm-style Housing […]

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  • Connery
  • Western Michigan University
  • 2015 Fall

A Break from Studies: Ways to Maximize your Extended Travel Weekend 10/21/15

While at CIMBA, you will realize that the school workload is at an accelerated pace and therefore requires most of your time during the week. However, on the weekends, you tend to have some time to travel. Even with that, studies will take up some time if you’re like me and procrastinate. However, there are a […]

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  • Connery
  • Western Michigan University
  • 2015 Fall

Pro Tip: How to Deal with a Lost/Stolen Passport while Traveling or Studying Abroad 10/15/15

Yeah… So having your passport stolen is not fun; at all. I was unfortunate enough to have my passport stolen, hilariously/horrendously timed, on the first day of the semester. Although it sucked to have it stolen, I learned a lot of what you need to do if this happens to you. Retrace Your Steps: This […]

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  • Elizabeth
  • University of Minnesota
  • 2015 Fall

Study Abroad Tip: Connecting with Peers and Professors 10/15/15

One of the many things that makes CIMBA unique is the size of the program. This semester, there are 59 students and 10 professors. My largest class is about 25 people, and my smallest class has only four. Coming from a university as large as the University of Minnesota, I’m used to 45 people being […]

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  • Connery
  • Western Michigan University
  • 2015 Fall

How to Make CIMBA Your New Home 09/23/15

Any transition is hard, but going from a Nomad traveling across Europe to being a student takes it to a completely new level. Even with my advantage of being used to the time zone, I still had my hiccups. However, the first week I’ve been here has been an excellent start to the pace of […]

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  • Kayla
  • University of Kansas
  • 2015 Summer

Is It Over Already? 06/19/15

I did not think that that my CIMBA experience would fly by this fast, but lo-and-behold it’s over. Finals are completed; we’re checked out of our rooms and off on our final adventure (to Split, Croatia) before we head home. While CIMBA flew by way too fast, it is certainly an experience I am grateful […]

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  • Katherine
  • University of Arkansas
  • 2015 Summer

Exploring Business Culture in Italy: A Journey of Tradition, Passion, and Coffee 05/27/15

Passion. In Italy this word is more than a feeling – it is an environment. There is an encompassing cultivation of desires and hard work all driven by a term that every Italian business is, well, passionate about. On the first day of class my Entrepreneurial Strategy teacher, who is from Italy, adamantly explained to […]

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  • Katherine
  • University of Arkansas
  • 2015 Summer

Arkansas to Italy 05/11/15

Passport- check Plane tickets- check Packing- in progress Disbelief that I am about to leave for Italy in a week- check  These are the final weeks at home before I trade southern accents for Italian ones, burgers for bruschetta, and hellos for ciaos. The fact that my dream of studying abroad is about to become […]

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  • Kelsey V.
  • Purdue University
  • 2015 Spring

Ode to CIMBA 04/20/15

I’m incredibly lucky. I’ve seen more of the world at 21 years old than some people will see their entire lives.  I climbed 463 stairs to the top of the Duomo to overlook the red-brick rooftops of Florence. I walked the streets of the Gothic Quarters in Barcelona. I paddleboated in the lake of Buen […]

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  • Megan
  • Western Michigan University
  • 2015 Spring

10 Lessons Learned Studying Abroad in Italy 04/01/15

Here I am, ten weeks into the semester of a lifetime. Ten long, action packed weeks. It’s crazy to think that am only three weeks away from heading back to the states, and I can already tell my departure from CIMBA is going to be extremely bittersweet to say the least. I will be thrilled […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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