Tag Result For: CIMBA italy

  • Caroline
  • Furman University
  • 2017 Fall

A Parent’s Guide to Visiting CIMBA 11/29/17

Ciao tutti!  Today I have special guest on the blog… my mom! My parents made the trip all the way to Paderno del Grappa from Baltimore to visit me the other week, and we had the best time. Considering many parents visit– or at least think about visiting– CIMBA, my mom and I thought it […]

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  • Caroline
  • Furman University
  • 2017 Fall

My Best Packing Decisions 11/20/17

           Packing for my semester in Italy feels like an eternity ago. I must have spent a week making piles, checking off lists, and researching the local weather to make sure I’d be well-prepared. Through my thorough packing research, I was sure to bring some things that ended up being the […]

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  • Caroline
  • Furman University
  • 2017 Fall

Travel Week! 11/10/17

            Before we knew it, the highly anticipated travel week had arrived! So much time, research, and preparation went into those nine days that felt so far in the future. However, in line with the rapid speed of this entire semester, travel week came and went. In one backpack, I […]

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  • Caroline
  • Furman University
  • 2017 Fall

Living like a Local 10/30/17

        Last Thursday, I had a truly Italian experience. My day started with a company tour of a well-known and highly successful pastry company in nearby Asolo called Forno d’Asolo. Forno d’Asolo is a major supplier to bars (what Americans know as cafes) of frozen croissants and other pastry products. I had […]

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  • Caroline
  • Furman University
  • 2017 Fall

An Ode to the Small Towns 10/23/17

           Ciao tutti! This past weekend, several Cimbians and I took a break from travelling and stayed local in Paderno. It was a much needed break from the rush of seeing a new place, and we had a blast exploring all the area has to offer. It made me particularly appreciative […]

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  • Caroline
  • Furman University
  • 2017 Fall

Take It Slow, Take It In 10/23/17

        When I decided to study abroad, I could not help but think about all the countries I would explore during my time in Italy. I would be in Europe for three months, so why not try to see as many places as I possibly could, right?         Well, […]

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  • Caroline
  • Furman University
  • 2017 Fall

My Italian First Impressions 09/27/17

Everyone knows the power of a first impression. First impressions set the tone for how we view a person, place, or experience. Having now spent two and half weeks in Paderno del Grappa, I have experienced lots of first impressions of this place and these people. It’s been equal parts exhausting, exciting, overwhelming, and eye-opening. […]

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  • Mallory
  • University of Colorado-Boulder
  • 2017 Spring

Arrivederci Italy! 04/21/17

If I were to write down every thought I have had since being home, this post would be around 100 pages long. I have had a roller coaster of emotions going on. From happiness of seeing my family and getting to sleep in my own bed to sadness of leaving all the amazing friends behind […]

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  • Mallory
  • University of Colorado-Boulder
  • 2017 Spring

Why CIMBA? – How To Decide Where To Study Abroad 02/01/17

The first two weeks have come to an end and it already seems like I have been at CIMBA forever. I’m still learning how to order a sandwich at the local tabacchi (sandwich shop) and adjusting to the shops closing in the middle of the day for an extended lunch break. I also noticed the […]

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  • Carley
  • University of Missouri
  • 2017 Spring

4 Reasons FOMO Is Not A Good Excuse To Miss Out on Study Abroad 01/13/17

You may be sitting here reading this wondering: What is FOMO? Well, let me back up and explain this before I tell you how I overcame it. FOMO – or the Fear Of Missing Out – is exactly what it sounds like. Before I committed to studying abroad, I constantly found myself going back and […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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