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  • John
  • University of Delaware
  • 2014 Spring

A Survey of Europe: London, Dublin, Brussels, and Amsterdam! 03/26/14

Whew, am I tired!  I have just returned from our travel week and after walking countless miles exploring the cities of London, Dublin, Brussels, and Amsterdam my body is begging for some well-deserved rest.  For those you may not be aware, one aspect of the CIMBA program is an entire week off from classes to […]

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  • Peyton
  • University of Arkansas
  • 2014 Spring

Ljubljana (Loo-bee-ya-na) 03/26/14

We decided to take a spontaneous trip to Slovenia this past weekend and it ended up being such a beautiful surprise. It was only a 3-hour ride through the Alps and Slovenian countryside until we arrived to the whimsical capital, Ljubljana. We began our first night with a 5-course Balkan dinner at a small, underground […]

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  • Danielle
  • Iowa State University
  • 2014 Spring

Paris 03/26/14

This past week at CIMBA we had our week-long break. My friends and I decided we wanted to have a relaxing week, where we didn’t have to do a lot of walking around and sightseeing. We went to Paris, Madrid, Ibiza, and Barcelona. The only place we did any sightseeing was Paris, and I am […]

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  • Rachel
  • University of Iowa
  • 2014 Spring

The Island of Malta 03/12/14

Adventures off the beaten path are often the most rewarding.  On our last travel weekend, my friends and I decided to go to Sicily and Malta.  I was really excited to go to Sicily because Dr. Al (the Director of CIMBA who is also my Law professor) has been telling my class great things about […]

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  • Rachel
  • University of Iowa
  • 2014 Spring

Adventures in Madrid 03/12/14

When my friends told me they had booked Madrid for our first travel weekend, I was a little apprehensive.  If I was going to Spain, I wanted to go to a city like Barcelona (which I am going to on an upcoming weekend.. Stay Tuned for a Blog!).  It was a random destination, but I […]

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  • Danielle
  • Iowa State University
  • 2014 Spring

Saturday Hike on Mount Grappa 03/11/14

As the weekend approached, I became more and more thankful that I wasn’t obligated to pack a weekend’s worth of clothes and toiletries into my Osprey 46 backpack. This past weekend, my friends and I decided to stay back from all of the chaos of traveling and enjoy a short, quiet weekend in Paderno. We […]

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  • Danielle
  • Iowa State University
  • 2014 Spring

What I don't miss about America 03/11/14

The first thing that comes to my mind when I think about what I don’t miss about America is pizza. Pizza has always been one of my favorite foods, but the pizza here is nothing like I have ever tasted before. No matter where I am in Italy, each bite of pizza leaves me wanting […]

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  • John
  • University of Delaware
  • 2014 Spring

Time Flies When You’re Having Fun! Mindfulness, Projects, Family, and Two Historic Italian Cities 03/11/14

And yet another week flies by at CIMBA.  I cannot believe that we are already more than halfway through our semester.  I know that I have said it before, but there is just so much happening on campus that, before you know it, you are leaving to travel on the weekend and thinking of everything […]

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  • Danielle
  • Iowa State University
  • 2014 Spring

When in Rome 03/10/14

This past weekend was one of the best weekends I have had here in Italy. From local restaurants to street kebabs, and karaoke to packed bars, so many great memories were made. Our travel break this weekend was from Thursday to Sunday. We left for Rome on Wednesday night and arrived at about 11pm. Our […]

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  • Peyton
  • University of Arkansas
  • 2014 Spring

Study Abroad Insights 03/07/14

I have spent a lot of time reflecting on the surprises, realizations and knowledge I’ve gained since I left home 9 weeks ago. I came to Europe with an extensive list of things to do and places to go and monuments to see, but I have realized that that is not what I will carry […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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