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  • Natalie
  • Texas Tech University
  • 2014 Fall

Home is where the heart is. 12/31/14

As myself and a few other CIMBians made our last trip of the semester to the Venice Marco Polo Airport together, it felt like any other weekend adventure. I didn’t truly grasp that I wouldn’t be arriving back on campus in Paderno del Grappa anytime soon until I was going through customs back in the […]

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  • Mia

My list trip in Italy – Venetia 12/19/14

Ciao My plan during the semester was to travel to most of the cities in Italy. After spending 12 weeks in Italy, I almost reached my goal.  Reflecting on these journeys, I saw the very southern part, beaches, capital cities, fashion, mid parts, and others. However, there is one last mission for me, VENETIA!!! Venetia… It was also one of my dreaming […]

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  • Jennifer
  • Furman University
  • 2014 Fall

Fiesta then Siesta 12/16/14

Barcelona really knows how to celebrate. The Sunshine Crew arrived late on Wednesday for the final extended weekend of the program. This city was so lively at night it surprised all of us! The next morning we woke up pretty late. I would never have thought of the lack of sleep I would be getting […]

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  • Natalie
  • Texas Tech University
  • 2014 Fall

The final week… 12/16/14

The past three months are coming to an end, and I never thought that this last week would come so quickly. We just had our last gourmet dinner and danced our night away among one another. It was a nice, relaxing, and fun way to end the semester with a bang. Toasts were shared, memories […]

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  • Natalie
  • Texas Tech University
  • 2014 Fall

(Un)Knowingly Loving It 12/16/14

As I finalized the paperwork that would send me to Italy, what I did know is that I would absolutely love traveling around Europe and experiencing the many different cultures that this experience has to offer me. What I didn’t know is that I would make some of the best friends and that I would […]

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  • Melissa
  • Virginia Tech University
  • 2014 Fall

Never had I ever traveled to Austria… 12/15/14

…but the first time I went to Austria, it was so great that I returned for a second time later that week! In my second to last weekend in Italy, a bunch of CIMBians and I went to Innsbruck, a little ski town in southern Austria, where I had the most magical moment of my young […]

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  • Jennifer
  • Furman University
  • 2014 Fall

Prahahaha! The Prague Blog 12/12/14

Never on my experience studying abroad did I think that I would visit the Czech Republic- I am so glad I did. The sunshine crew (Lindsey, Taylor, and my new given nickname) was back in action. We traveled Saturday morning to Prague and let me tell you it was definitely Fall. Near the end of […]

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  • Natalie
  • Texas Tech University
  • 2014 Fall

Czeckin’ out Prague 12/11/14

I remember planning out the trips I’d be taking with my dad before I officially started school at CIMBA. We had many options, yet Prague did not make the final cut. So when the ladies — Kayla and Sam — and I found cheap(ish) flights to and from Prague, I was beyond excited. I have […]

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  • Natalie
  • Texas Tech University
  • 2014 Fall

Nine days of travel, three countries, countless memories. 12/11/14

With the arrival of the travel week, we were officially half way through the semester, even though it felt like I just stepped foot in PdG days ago. Although I’ve been traveling throughout my time here, for some reason it felt odd to me that I wouldn’t be in class for a total of nine […]

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  • Jennifer
  • Furman University
  • 2014 Fall

"Rome"ing for a Weekend 12/06/14

The fit four headed out for another adventure. ROME! We planned it for only two days- which was so not enough time, but let me tell you something- worth every second. We arrived through AlItalia, which you will learn is the best airline to use here unless (you’re feeling thrifty and a bit daring to […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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