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  • Carley
  • University of Missouri
  • 2017 Spring

5 Ways Studying Abroad at CIMBA will Build Your Resume 03/28/17

I was always told that studying abroad alone will not set you apart in interviews, but what you learn abroad can. Luckily for myself and the other students, learning and personal growth is inevitable through traveling along with CIMBA’s additional opportunities and curriculum. 1. KT PSDM Certification– Most of your life will be spent making […]

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  • Carley
  • University of Missouri
  • 2017 Spring

5 Tips and Tricks on How to Plan a Trip: Study Abroad Edition 03/21/17

So as you may know, it’s already week 6 and I’ve booked all but two of my trips. After trial and error (8 times over), I think I’m finally experienced enough to give you some solid tips on planning a trip while you’re abroad. I’m by no means a travel agent, but I’m pretty confident […]

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  • Sydney
  • The University of Iowa
  • 2017 Spring

Explorer to Executive: Why Studying Abroad Will Set You Apart After College 03/13/17

Before embarking on my journey with CIMBA this semester, I was told that one of the “selling points” of studying abroad is that employers will specifically look for it on resumes as something that can set you apart from other applicants. Did I buy it at this time? Not necessarily. In fact, I didn’t believe […]

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  • Mallory
  • University of Colorado-Boulder
  • 2017 Spring

Traveling to Paris is Amazing and Versailles is better! 03/13/17

Ciao! Or should I say Bonjour! This past weekend I travelled to Paris, France, and I can now say I have a new favorite city! Paris blew my expectations out of the water, and I am counting down the days until I can go back. Ever since I started French class in 6th grade, I […]

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  • Carley
  • University of Missouri
  • 2017 Spring

Italy and the US: Cultural Comparison 03/07/17

Before I came abroad, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect of Italy or even Europe in general. With European heritage and hearing about my Grandma’s childhood and parent’s visits, I just came to the assumption that it was an older version of the United States. After spending 7 weeks here and traveling to 6 […]

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  • Carley
  • University of Missouri
  • 2017 Spring

Mingling With the Locals: Add a Seat 03/07/17

While traveling to different countries is definitely one of the highlights of studying abroad, after 7 weeks here I’ve also come to greatly appreciate getting to know the culture and people of Italy. Through the Add a Seat experience, I’ve humbly come to the conclusion that the people here are just as excited to express […]

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  • Mallory
  • University of Colorado-Boulder
  • 2017 Spring

Top Things To Know Before Traveling 03/07/17

Since I have left America, I have traveled to five different cities in three different countries. In each of my travel experiences I have learned something new, whether from a series of unfortunate events or just a helpful hint I’ve picked up along the way! Here are the top four things I think you should […]

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  • Mallory
  • University of Colorado-Boulder
  • 2017 Spring

Add a Seat! 02/24/17

Although CIMBA is located in a pretty small town outside of Venice, the staff does an amazing job of keeping us busy so it doesn’t always feel like we are in a small town! This week, I had the opportunity to interact with some more locals and get a small taste of their day to […]

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  • Sydney
  • The University of Iowa
  • 2017 Spring

The 5 Types of Friends In Your Study Abroad Travel Group 02/24/17

One of the best parts about studying abroad in Europe is the opportunity to travel to a new place almost every weekend. But traveling wouldn’t be nearly as exciting if it weren’t for the people that you are able to share it with. So while the scenery, the food, and the history of wherever you […]

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  • Sydney
  • The University of Iowa
  • 2017 Spring

B-School Bon Voyage: Why Every Business Student Should Study Abroad 02/22/17

As a diehard Hawkeye, I was truly bothered by the idea of missing out on my second semester of my junior year. Having only three semesters left in the heaven known as Iowa (yes, I just made a Field of Dreams reference), I had no interest in cutting it short. This isn’t to say that […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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