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  • Katelyn
  • University of Iowa
  • Summer 2018

CIMBA Reflection 06/25/18

Studying abroad was one of the best decisions I have ever made – no joke. Being abroad in Italy for a month was such an amazing and unique experience. I met so many new people, traveled to beautiful places, ate delicious food, and got lots of school work done! I loved being a part of […]

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  • Raleigh
  • University of Arkansas
  • Summer 2018

The Secrets to Pizza Making 06/20/18

            “Do you know what the two secret ingredients to pizza making are?” Saverio, our lovely pizza man asked us as we stood watching during the pizza making excursion. We all guessed various things such as the salt or the heath but in the end, our old pizzaman gave us a wonderful answer. In a […]

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  • Katelyn
  • University of Iowa
  • Summer 2018

Traveling around Rome 06/20/18

I loved visiting Rome, but there were a few things that I wish I would have known before traveling around the city. Rome has so many amazing places to visit, so being able to easily get around the city is essential to having the best experience possible.   First and foremost, I wish I would have had more knowledge on was transportation around the city. […]

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  • Raleigh
  • University of Arkansas
  • Summer 2018

Paderno Del Grappa: small, quiet, and full of hiding treasures. 06/06/18

A lot of people when they choose to study abroad in Italy chose the big cities like Florence or Rome. These towns are filled with the hustle and bustle of tourism and shine with what everyone thinks of Italy as. Paderno, on the other hand, offers a much different experience, one I have truly grown […]

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  • Katelyn
  • University of Iowa
  • Summer 2018

Travel Tips 06/04/18

One of my favorite parts of CIMBA is the long weekends that we get to travel around Italy or other countries in Europe. I have used my travel weekends to visit Venice, Rome, Florence, Pisa, and Elba Island – all beautiful and amazing places. After spending three weekends traveling around Italy, I have learned some useful information that […]

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  • Kennedy
  • University of Iowa
  • Summer 2018

What in Croatia?? 06/04/18

CIMBA gives students the opportunity to travel to different parts of Europe (or the world, go big or go home right?) at the end of every week. It’s a great deal because we gain an educational experience in a new part of the world, in addition to having the chance to travel anywhere we would […]

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  • Western Michigan University
  • Summer 2018

Interactive Classes 06/04/18

Ciao! Another week has gone by and I can’t believe how fast it is going. The adjustment to block scheduling is now secure and classes are well underway. As a junior, who has taken many classes thus far, I was curious how they were going to fit a college level course into four weeks. I […]

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  • Raleigh
  • University of Arkansas
  • Summer 2018

Cinque Terre- A must 06/04/18

            The first travel weekend is down and I could not be more pleased with how it went. Your first travel weekend at CIMBA is the shortest of the three. Instead of four days, you have three. Being the travel enthusiast I am I had a hard time deciding where I wanted to go. I […]

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  • Katelyn
  • University of Iowa
  • Summer 2018

How to order Coffee in Italy 06/04/18

Since I’ve been in Italy, I have learned how helpful it is to know how to order coffee in Italian. I have had a lot of fun trying out different drinks at the cafè, but my favorite by far is a cappuccino! I have found that these phrases are the most useful when ordering coffee:   1. Greeting  As you walk […]

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  • Kennedy
  • University of Iowa
  • Summer 2018

Lets Talk Tours 06/04/18

There’s beauty in traveling as is. You get to relocate to a new location all while experiencing an array of new things. However, when traveling it might be difficult to decide on what to explore and what to experience. Yes, traveling gives you the freedom of finding your own adventures, but this freedom becomes slightly […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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