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  • Angie
  • Furman University
  • 2019 Spring

Milano on my Own! 02/28/19

Fifth Week: February 22, 2019 Another busy week, and we’re almost halfway done with the semester! It’s crazy how fast time flies here. In this past week, I have visited Milan, Verona, and Asolo. CLASSES Since this semester if relatively short and each class has tests and quizzes, it’s common for those tests/quizzes to fall […]

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  • Angie
  • Furman University
  • 2019 Spring

Change of Pace! 02/27/19

Fourth Week: February 15, 2019 LAST WEEKEND This past weekend, I went to Barcelona. Barcelona was an awesome experience. There is so much activity, so much to do. I recommend going to the beach, the Gothic Quarter, and Park Güell. THIS WEEK I can’t believe it is already my fourth week at CIMBA-only a couple […]

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  • Taylor
  • Iowa State University
  • Spring 2019

Must Have Travel Apps 02/26/19

During my first three weeks here at CIMBA, there are certain apps that I have relied on each day.  And a few others that are great for traveling!  They make communication and planning so much easier.  Here are my top 5 apps for going abroad, especially as a student. Venmo  I honestly don’t know how […]

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  • Angie
  • Furman University
  • 2019 Spring

Rainy Venice and Slow Weeks! 02/21/19

Third Week: February 8, 2019 Ciao! This past week has been pretty calm for me. I’ve just been going to all my classes, drinking a lot of coffee, running around Paderno, and eating a lot of pasta. Just another week in Italy! TRIP TO VENICE Last weekend, a few of my friends and I went […]

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  • Hayley
  • University of Iowa
  • Spring 2019

Gluten Free in Europe! 02/19/19

I always knew I wanted to study abroad. After hearing about CIMBA freshman year, I specifically planned my college course work to match the program’s spring class offerings. After being accepted to the program, I began preparing for my trip to Italy, the land of pasta, bread, and pastries. One issue, I have a gluten […]

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  • Angie
  • Furman University
  • 2019 Spring

First of Many Adventures! 02/12/19

Second Week: February 1, 2019 Hello again! I have now been in Italy for about two weeks, and everything is starting to become slightly more normal. A lot has happened since I posted last, so let’s go through it all! FIRST TRAVEL DESTINATION This past weekend, many of us took a bus to Bassano del […]

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  • Hayley
  • University of Iowa
  • Spring 2019

Week 3- Hitting the Books! 02/11/19

Hello from Paderno! Finally, for this third week here, my fellow CIMBA peers and I will be experiencing our first normal class schedule since everyone has completed the LIFE program, KT training, and the DaVinci Challenge. This past weekend was not considered a “travel weekend,” but many of us traveled to nearby Italian cities because […]

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  • Taylor
  • Iowa State University
  • Spring 2019

What a LIFE 02/07/19

The first two weeks here at CIMBA have flown by!  Between planning trips, getting to know Paderno, starting classes, and making new friends, I have definitely stayed busy.  In addition, everyone at CIMBA completed LIFE during the past two weekends – Leadership Initiative for Excellence.  We all walked out of the three day training one […]

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  • Angie
  • Furman University
  • 2019 Spring

America to Italia! 02/05/19

Week One: January 25, 2019 Wow! What a journey it has been over the past few days. I have been in Italy for a few days now, and it is an absolute dream. I packed two suitcases and a carry-on, which was plenty of room for me. I left Charlotte, NC on Sunday and arrived […]

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  • Taylor
  • Iowa State University
  • Spring 2019

Ready or Not… Here We Go! 01/31/19

I can’t believe it!  By this time next week, I’ll be in a different country, different time zone, eating different food (bring on the pasta and gelato!) with people I have never met before.  I know this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity will be nothing short of amazing!  But to say I’m not nervous about anything would be […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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