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  • Abbey
  • University of Iowa
  • Fall 2019

Here’s the 4-1-1. 11/08/19

Prior to being here, I had so many questions about what CIMBA was like, specifically what past students thought about the campus and travel opportunities. Here are some major points to consider before deciding on a study abroad program. #CIMBA Campus What are the rooms like? The rooms are small and cozy with everything you […]

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  • Hannah
  • University of Iowa
  • Fall 2019

There comes a time… 11/01/19

Hello everyone, it’s Hannah and I am back with another blog to talk to you guys about homesickness. Homesickness is something that, until traveling abroad, I had not ever felt. When I moved to Iowa City for college, I was so ready for the next step in my life. I grew up wanting to go […]

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  • Abbey
  • University of Iowa
  • Fall 2019

Add a Seat! 11/01/19

This has been my favorite CIMBA activity thus far. Since we share the campus with a local boarding school, we are able to meet students and learn some Italian. One of the events that brings us closer is Add a Seat. This event involves one of those Italian students and their family signing up to […]

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  • Abbey
  • University of Iowa
  • Fall 2019

What a life! 10/16/19

My mornings start differently than most students here at CIMBA because I don’t wake up to eat breakfast at the time it’s provided – 8 am. Instead, I make my way to the local cafe next to campus where you can purchase delicious, handmade pastries when you conveniently “miss” breakfast. As far as classes go, […]

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  • Hannah
  • University of Iowa
  • Fall 2019

Let’s talk money 10/10/19

Financing your study abroad – it’s a big task! When I was first figuring out where I wanted to study abroad, finances were definitely a huge factor in my decision. As a UI student, I receive scholarships to study, so I knew I wanted to find a study abroad program that would count those scholarships […]

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  • Hannah
  • University of Iowa
  • Fall 2019

Italia, arriviamo~ 09/24/19

Hello everyone! My name is Hannah Rowedder and I am a junior at the University of Iowa studying Marketing & Business Analytics with a certificate in Leadership studies. I am from a small town in Iowa called Carroll. I am so beyond excited to be heading to the CIMBA campus and experiencing Italy for 12 […]

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  • Abbey
  • University of Iowa
  • Fall 2019

Andiamo in Italia! 09/24/19

Ciao! I’m Abbey Wilson from the University of Iowa, studying Marketing and Event Management, and I decided to go abroad on a whim with my friend, Hannah Row! Although my study abroad experience has begun differently than most, with two weeks of independent travel in Ireland and London, I am now settling into CIMBA with […]

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  • Kate
  • University of Iowa
  • Fall 2018

The Money Question: Financing Study Abroad 07/22/19

When you’re a college student thinking about taking the leap to study abroad, trying to finance a semester out of the country while simultaneously finding a program that best fits your academic needs can seem like a daunting task. As an undergraduate searching for a business program in Europe, I was initially overwhelmed. It wasn’t […]

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  • Katie

Study Abroad FAQs 07/01/19

Do I study abroad? Originally I brushed off the idea of studying abroad, but this was only my naivety taking over. If you are fortunate to take the time and spend the money to study abroad then the cliche that “there is no better time than the present” turns out to be spot on. Exposing […]

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  • Katie

Thank you, Cimba 06/24/19

How crazy is it that you can be lounging in the Venice Airport in the morning and be flying over the humble midwest come nightfall? Traveling brings you to the realization that the world is small and easily accessible. Traveling is no longer intimidating, but thrilling and enchanting. It ignites a need for more wandering, […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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