Tag Result For: study abroad

  • Olivia
  • Iowa State University
  • 2014 Summer

That's a wrap 07/07/14

I’ve been home now for about 24 hours, and the only feeling I have is denial. The last six weeks have been an absolute whirlwind with little sleep, and I still cannot believe it actually happened. I went to Europe, something so many people have never had the opportunity to do. I still think I […]

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  • Olivia
  • Iowa State University
  • 2014 Summer

Ending with a BANG in Roma! 06/10/14

Although I have only been in Italy for a mere three weeks, it seems like a year. You are planning, laughing, and exploring with people you did not know a month ago. It is crazy! My final weekend in Roma was just that. Ending with the beautiful capital of Italy was just the cherry on […]

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  • Adam
  • University of Iowa
  • 2014 Summer

The Roman Finale 06/10/14

If you ever have the privilege and pleasure of traveling to Rome, don’t try to do it in a weekend. You will not be able to see everything you should and you’ll kick yourself for rushing through trying to get to everything. The Vatican and Coliseum tours will take an entire afternoon, and with the […]

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  • Olivia
  • Iowa State University
  • 2014 Summer

Moral of the story: Just do it! 06/09/14

Here, there and everywhere! I have been so busy talking about my exciting weekends, I forgot to mention how amazing simple week nights can be. I remember my first afternoon that I had “free” when I was in Italy. A group of friends and I had a few hours to study and finish our homework […]

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  • Olivia
  • Iowa State University
  • 2014 Summer

Around the mountain we go to Paderno del Grappa! 05/23/14

After a hectic flight, almost missing my connection in Paris, and realizing that my French and Italian language skills are almost non-existent; surprisingly, I made it to my home for the next four weeks, Paderno del Grappa! My first view of the village was a few spots of white, yellow and peach colored squares sitting […]

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  • Adam
  • University of Iowa
  • 2014 Summer

Do As The Romans Do 05/19/14

As I was studying for my exams this past week, I was constantly looking for motivation. Why start reviewing my flash cards when that next episode of ‘Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia’ starts in exactly 14 seconds? And then I would look at the bulletin board on my bedroom wall, and I would see the […]

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  • Megan
  • Western Michigan University
  • 2015 Spring

Ready? Set? Go! 05/19/14

Finally. After a ridiculously busy semester, it’s almost time to go. It’s finally happening. Even as I type the words, it’s still hard to believe that I’ll finally be getting on a plane and going to Italy tomorrow. I absolutely could not be more excited! And if you’re reading this, I’m thinking that you’re excited […]

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  • Olivia
  • Iowa State University
  • 2014 Summer

Italy. Seven days. 05/12/14

Italy. Seven days. The only way to make it seem real is to say it aloud. And when I do, I can’t stop smiling! I will be in Italy in seven days! It is what I have been looking forward to for months, but it was not until I started writing this blog that the […]

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  • Rachel
  • University of Iowa
  • 2014 Spring

Reflection on My Time Abroad 05/06/14

Before you leave CIMBA, you listen to a few of the staff members talk about what it’s going to be like for you when you get back home. When I sat through these “town hall meetings” I kept thinking “Why am I here? I’m not going to have culture shock.  I’ve only been here three […]

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  • Rachel
  • University of Iowa
  • 2014 Spring

Advice for new CIMBIANS 04/29/14

1. Go to the Tabacchi with your friends and get sandwiches (10x better than anything at Jimmy John’s or Subway).  Have a picnic at the picnic tables on campus! 2. Go on a run around Paderno and to other nearby towns.  There are a few hills (they never really get any easier…) but the view […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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