Tag Result For: planning

  • Furman University
  • 2022 Fall

How to Pack, According to a Master Procrastinator 09/06/22

Ciao! If you’re like me, you sometimes procrastinate when given projects, reading, research, or other assignments. You may put off learning Italian until three weeks before you spend three months in the country itself. Before my first international trip, I do not want to make room for mistakes. To pack correctly and make the most […]

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  • University of Iowa
  • Summer 2022

Solo Traveling Post-CIMBA 07/01/22

After I turned in my last final, packed up my CIMBA dorm room, and said goodbye to all the friends I made during the past month, I was hit with the realization that I was now on my own. My flight home was set for a week after the program ended, and I had absolutely […]

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  • University of Iowa
  • Summer 2022

Reflecting On My Initial Nerves 06/30/22

When I first decided to study abroad, I had many questions and nerves. I remember getting on the plane to Italy, feeling like I had no idea what the next month had in store. Looking back now, I had nothing to worry about. My past month spent in Italy at CIMBA was so amazing. One […]

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  • University of Arkansas
  • Summer 2022

Part Time Student, Full Time Travel Agent 06/21/22

As my time at CIMBA comes to a close, I am thankful to have had this blog as an outlet to share, reflect, and remember all of the special moments I have had. I am going to be honest – I have been pretty busy since you last heard from me! I have travelled both […]

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  • University of Kansas
  • Summer 2022

A Weekend in Rome 06/17/22

Traveling to Rome has been a dream of mine for the past few years that finally came true last weekend. There is so much history and landmarks to see in Rome. After a 4-hour train ride, we finally arrived. Although we were unable to see everything, we tried our best to make the most out […]

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  • University of Arkansas
  • Summer 2022

Rome-ing around 06/16/22

The second weekend here, my friends and I decided to travel down to Rome and little did I know it would quickly become one of my favorite memories. As soon as we landed in the Roma Termini train station, we hit the ground running. After a chaotic weekend in Lake Como the previous weekend, we […]

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  • University of Arkansas
  • Summer 2022

Balancing Books & Bags 06/09/22

Ciao friends!!  I am now a month into being abroad and two weeks into being at CIMBA! It for sure was a big adjustment going from traveling abroad on vacation to studying and traveling abroad at the same time! Before the CIMBA program started, I spent a week in London and a week in Paris […]

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  • University of Iowa
  • Summer 2022

Taking Care of Your Mental Health While Abroad 06/06/22

Traveling can be exhausting and overwhelming for both the body and the mind. Because there are so many changes happening at once, it can be easy to forget about your mental health. In this blog post I hope to offer resources to help other study abroad students find new ways to check-in with themselves before […]

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  • University of Kansas
  • Summer 2022

What I learned from my first travel “adventure” 06/03/22

During the first week of CIMBA, one of the hardest tasks was planning a last-minute trip for the weekend. Unfortunately, when planning a trip last minute, there are always a few things that can go wrong for first-time travelers. When these obstacles happen, there is always something to learn from the experience. The first thing […]

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  • University of Arkansas
  • Summer 2022

2 Down, 2 To Go 06/03/22

2 weeks down & 2 more to go! Today marks 12 days here in Italy! The last 12 days have been filled with going to class, walks around Paderno, field trips to Asolo, night trips to Bassano, lots of gelato, a weekend trip to Florence, and a pasta making class! I am enrolled in two […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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