Tag Result For: packing

  • Mallory
  • Furman University
  • 2016 Fall

The Adventure Begins: Why I Chose to Study Away 09/14/16

As my departure date gets closer and closer, the reality that I am about to leave home for the next three months is really starting to sink in. My excitement is at an all-time high and I just want to be there now, even though I know I’m not prepared at all. (I currently have […]

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  • Megan
  • Western Michigan University
  • 2016 Summer

Don’t Forget to Take an Extra Copy: Top 5 Things to Duplicate before You Get on Your Flight to Italy 05/14/16

With travel, it goes without saying that it’s better to be safe than sorry. There are a number of important things travelers should duplicate and take with them overseas to avoid sticky situations that could land them in an unexpected destination. Here are the top five things to copy and carry with you when traveling: […]

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  • Samantha
  • University of Minnesota
  • 2016 Summer

5 Must-Haves in My Suitcase for an Extended Trip Abroad 05/13/16

Packing has always been a dreadful task. I usually wait until the last second to throw something in a suitcase; however, Italy is a whole different animal. There’s so much to remember and bring on a study abroad trip, especially when my trip is extended! I will be traveling for three weeks after attending CIMBA, […]

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  • Katie
  • The University of Iowa
  • 2016 Summer

A Summer of Firsts: 5 New Experiences When You Study Abroad 05/06/16

As I stare up at the aged panels of my roommate’s bunk from beneath my striped comforter, it is finally hitting me. Finals are creeping up on me and my lively dorm room will be blank in a matter of a week. If the fact that my freshman year is already over isn’t extremely terrifying […]

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  • Alicia
  • Western Michigan University
  • 2016 Spring

Packing For Travel As if You Actually Know What You’re Doing 04/04/16

Alright folks, let’s get down to business and the less glamorous side of traveling, specifically: cloths packing. Let me first say that I thought I had it down pat! I showed up with my one giant suitcase and had significantly less luggage than many girls and a good amount of guys. I was attempting to […]

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  • Alicia
  • Western Michigan University
  • 2016 Spring

The Study Abroad Halfway Point: Bring on the Grunge 03/08/16

I was reminded that study abroad is not all fun and games this week as midterms have arrived. 4 presentations- 2 long and 2 short – and a good old fashioned exam to finish off this Friday (and my schedule is by no means the hardest!). So what am I doing with all of my free time? Why, […]

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  • Emily
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • 2016 Spring

The Final Countdown: 7 Necessary (But Bizarre) Items I Almost Forgot to Pack 01/11/16

It’s hard to believe that in just ten days I’ll be hopping on a plane to Europe for three months! While I can’t wait to get started on my Lizzie McGuire Movie Italian experience (fingers crossed!), there is still much to be done. Namely, packing. I’ll admit, my obsession lies in the art of list-making. […]

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  • Elizabeth
  • University of Minnesota
  • 2015 Fall

But First, Buy a Suitcase: 10 Steps to Finding the Perfect Luggage 09/08/15

Hello, CIMBA friends! My name is Elizabeth, and this post is coming to you from my hometown in Worthington, Minnesota. I’m a junior at the University of Minnesota, I’m studying Business Marketing & Mass Communication, and I’m a blog ambassador for CIMBA this semester! Starting next week, I’ll be writing blog entries from my dorm […]

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  • Elizabeth
  • University of Iowa
  • 2015 Summer

Adventure Awaits 05/18/15

Ciao! Computer, notebooks, pants, shorts, that shirt, this shirt… my packing list rambles on. Where do I begin? My name is Elizabeth and I just finished my freshman year at the University of Iowa. I am majoring in biomedical engineering and have loved my classes thus far. I am on the cross country and track […]

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  • Kayla
  • University of Kansas
  • 2015 Summer

Tips for Packing “Light” for a Summer Abroad 05/18/15

            I’ll admit it: I, Kayla Pisoni, am a chronic over-packer. My suitcase may be well over the 50lb limit but I have shoe options for every possible scenario. At least that’s how most trips end up for me. Unfortunately, studying abroad isn’t really going to work that way. Paying the fee to fly an […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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