Tag Result For: italian language

  • Mallory
  • University of Colorado-Boulder
  • 2017 Spring

Add a Seat! 02/24/17

Although CIMBA is located in a pretty small town outside of Venice, the staff does an amazing job of keeping us busy so it doesn’t always feel like we are in a small town! This week, I had the opportunity to interact with some more locals and get a small taste of their day to […]

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  • Samantha
  • University of Minnesota
  • 2016 Summer

Culture Shock is Real, Folks. 06/01/16

Traveling throughout Europe, so far, has been the best decision I have ever made. Italy has a beautiful language (‘bella’ means beautiful in Italian, isn’t that so much prettier than English?). The people of Italy are interesting and full of unique perspectives on the world. No matter how much this beautiful land takes my breath […]

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  • Kevin
  • Clemson University
  • 2016 Spring

Tips for a Eating Out in Italy (When You Don’t Speak the Language) 02/03/16

Eating in the United States is hard enough sometimes. As someone who has worked in a restaurant, I know how often orders are messed up – drinks spill, food gets burnt, the list goes on and on. It is funny now that I am in Italy that we are having all the same mistakes, just […]

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  • Drew
  • The University of Iowa
  • 2015 Fall

Tips For Learning A Foreign Language While Studying Abroad 12/09/15

So you’ve decided to study abroad in a destination thousands of miles away, and you don’t speak a single word of the native language. The good news? You’re not the first student who chose this path. The solution? Learning a new language. Prior to studying abroad in Italy, I figured I would be able to get […]

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  • Drew
  • The University of Iowa
  • 2015 Fall

Why You Should Learn Another Language 10/28/15

This post will be a little different than my previous works as it contains a subject that I am very passionate about: Learning another language. Unlike my previous posts, I won’t tie in my weekly update, but I will go ahead and start with that content. I decided to take a weekend off of traveling […]

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  • Elizabeth
  • University of Iowa
  • 2015 Summer

How to Balance Study & Travel 06/15/15

Ciao! I have just completed my fourth and final week at CIMBA. The time really has flown by and I can’t believe that it is done. Studying during the week, traveling on the weekends, making friendships and memories along the way have consumed my time. I couldn’t have asked for a better learning experience. CIMBA […]

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  • Katherine
  • University of Arkansas
  • 2015 Summer

Study Abroad Lesson #1: Do As the Italians Do 05/21/15

“A 10,000 mile journey all begins with a single step.” What this Chinese proverb forgot to mention was the car, 3 planes, 2 trains, and the bus I took to get there. But the journey, the getting there, can be as vital to growth as the destination. Getting on my first plane to Chicago, it […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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