Tag Result For: Culture

  • Carley
  • University of Missouri
  • 2017 Spring

The Top 5 Do’s and Don’ts of a Formal Dinner: 02/20/17

So last week we were given a quiz over formal dinner etiquette followed by a seminar to review the subject. Going in, I felt pretty confident on my dinner etiquette… I mean I knew how to drink tea with my pinky up, so I was basically super proper, right? Yeah…unfortunately not. After getting a solid […]

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  • Sydney
  • The University of Iowa
  • 2017 Spring

When in Paderno, Do as the Italians Do: The Top 5 Places in Town to Interact with Locals 02/10/17

After four weeks on campus and experiencing more culture shock than I’d like to admit, I’m starting to get the hang of the Paderno del Grappa lifestyle here at CIMBA. While I’m sure I still stick out like a sore thumb when I venture beyond the CIMBA bubble, through insight, observation, and self-awareness, I’ve begun […]

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  • Adam
  • Western Michigan University
  • 2016 Fall

How to Readjust to Life After Study Abroad 01/06/17

It’s been about three weeks since leaving Paderno del Grappa and saying “‘Til next time” to so many great people. Coming back to the states hits you really quick. It was a harsh reality to face that in the span of 10 hours I left my CIMBA family and flew back to where it all started; […]

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  • Adam
  • Western Michigan University
  • 2016 Fall

How to Adjust to the Italian Way of Life 10/03/16

Ciao, If I was truly adjusted to the Italian way of life, this third week’s post would be up being posted during week five. The Italians have a very different way of viewing time and sense of urgency than Americans. You’re in for a treat, because it’s story time: A friend and I took a trip to […]

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  • Megan
  • Western Michigan University
  • 2016 Summer

Italy Surprises! 5 Common Things You Weren’t Expecting on Your Trip to Italy 06/14/16

The large majority of Americans are not accustomed to European lifestyles. For me, it took around two weeks to finally grasp the common ins and outs of daily Italian life. My frequent comment of, “I was not expecting that”, quickly became, “It’s an Italian thing”,  as I continuously ran into the following five Italian norms: 1. Bathrooms […]

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  • Samantha
  • University of Minnesota
  • 2016 Summer

Act Globally, Think Locally: The Importance of an International Experience 06/09/16

International experience is a necessity for personal growth and development. This experience provides students with unique opportunity to combine international travel with an international education. This allows for ample opportunity to expand our intellectual experience, as well as our business knowledge. I am a senior at the University of Minnesota, majoring in Marketing and minoring in […]

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  • Kaden
  • Kansas State University
  • 2016 Summer

From America to Italy: Adjusting to the Italian Lifestyle 06/06/16

After three weeks I have adjusted to life in Italy and there were definitely some adjustments that had to be made.  The first change you will notice is the major difference in time culture between America in Italy.  In America, everything is fast-paced, everyone is busy, and everything runs efficiently.  This is not a priority […]

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  • Mikaela
  • University of Minnesota
  • 2016 Spring

The #1 Thing to Have When Traveling 04/26/16

It’s sad to say that my time left on this beautiful Italian campus is coming to a close. Without a doubt though, I am leaving with memories of the amazing people I have met along my journey and the experiences that have improved who I am. Of course not forgetting the 8 incredible countries I’ve explored […]

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  • Emily
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • 2016 Spring

Looking at the World Through A New Lens: Reflections on Study Abroad 04/20/16

I actually cannot believe my time abroad has come to a close. It seems like just yesterday I was packing up my bags thinking of what to write about for my first CIMBA blog—how far we’ve come! Looking back, it’s hard to think of words to sum up the experience as a whole. I learned […]

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  • Mikaela
  • University of Minnesota
  • 2016 Spring

Eat Your Way Around The World 03/14/16

Before I left to explore Europe, I received some of the best travel advice: eat my way around the world. Every country’s culture tells a story about their history and the people who reside there. As I learned, food is large piece of each culture. Each new place has their own local food so why […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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