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  • John
  • University of Delaware
  • 2014 Spring

Keeping an Open Mind Abroad: An Unforgettable Cultural Experience in Istanbul, Turkey 03/05/14

From the record-time it took us to make it through the airport to board our plane as the gate was closing, to the plethora of beautiful mosques and important historical sights scattered throughout the city, to haggling in the Grand Bazaar with stubborn merchants, to traveling between continents in the same day, to some interesting […]

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  • Peyton
  • University of Arkansas
  • 2014 Spring

Mi Amore, Cinque Terre 02/25/14

I have spent the past 6 weeks going to big cities and sightseeing; looking at all the historical architecture, art and churches that Europe has to offer. I have loved seeing the Eiffel Tower, canals of Venice, the statues in Florence… the list goes on and on. But my trip this past weekend was so different in […]

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  • John
  • University of Delaware
  • 2014 Spring

Soaking it all in: EWAPs, Hiking Mt. Grappa, Company Visits, Carnevale, and MORE! 02/24/14

I cannot believe that my semester at CIMBA is already half-way completed.  I still remember the first week, meeting all my new classmates, making sense of the hectic schedule, and frantically organizing travel plans.  Now, it seems that we have known each other for a much longer time than 6 weeks, the first week schedule […]

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  • Danielle
  • Iowa State University
  • 2014 Spring

Evening With a Professor! (EWAP) 02/24/14

Twice a semester, students are given the opportunity to partake in an evening with a professor, known as EWAP. Students and professors have the option to make pizza or pasta, eat a tex-mex dinner, or do a wine tasting. Last Monday I did my first evening with a professor and decided I wanted to learn […]

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  • Peyton
  • University of Arkansas
  • 2014 Spring

Big ol' Bolzano 02/24/14

I woke up bright and early at 4:45am Saturday morning, showered, packed my backpack, caught the 5:30am taxi and jumped on the train to Bolzano.  I slept during the 3 hour train ride, but I couldn’t help but to peek open my eyes every so often to see the skyscraping mountains fly past my window. […]

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  • John
  • University of Delaware
  • 2014 Spring

Self Discoveries through LEAP and a Slovenian Birthday Celebration 02/18/14

After an exhaustive travel weekend, we jumped head-on into an intense academic week at CIMBA to remain on track.  Running off less than eight hours sleep  from the weekend made the 8 am classes and full-day curriculum difficult, but the interesting material we covered in class and the LEAP seminars made it doable.  Just as […]

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  • Peyton
  • University of Arkansas
  • 2014 Spring

The Best of Paderno del Grappa 02/18/14

I have gotten so caught up with writing about my travels every weekend; I just came to the realization that I have not touched on my life here in Paderno del Grappa, and I am already at the halfway point this week. CIMBA has kept me so busy with so many programs, seminars and activities […]

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  • Peyton
  • University of Arkansas
  • 2014 Spring

Atomic Balls and Eiffel Towers 02/14/14

Where to even begin… This past weekend was our first extended travel break, spanning from Thursday to Sunday. It began when we booked it to the airport in Venice at 6am to head to Brussels, Belgium. Once we landed in Brussels, we walked for about 2 miles with all of our bags in hand until […]

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  • Danielle
  • Iowa State University
  • 2014 Spring

Mindfulness at CIMBA 02/12/14

Here at CIMBA, a mindfulness practice is offered. Every day at 12:45 a mindfulness practice is lead by some of CIMBA’s staff. Before I came to CIMBA I didn’t know what mindfulness was. After learning about what it is and what the benefits are, I realize how important it is to incorporate into each day. […]

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  • John
  • University of Delaware
  • 2014 Spring

The First Formal Dinner and a Jam-Packed Travel Weekend! 02/10/14

There is so much to write about this past week that I do not even know how I am going to cover it all in this post.  We began the week with our first of three gourmet dinners.  The dinner consisted of the traditional five course Italian-style meal including an aperitif and vast array of […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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