Mindfulness at CIMBA

Written by Danielle February 12, 2014

Here at CIMBA, a mindfulness practice is offered. Every day at 12:45 a mindfulness practice is lead by some of CIMBA’s staff. Before I came to CIMBA I didn’t know what mindfulness was. After learning about what it is and what the benefits are, I realize how important it is to incorporate into each day. For those of you who don’t know what it is, mindfulness practice is being in a state of focus. For the 3-20, or however many minutes you feel like, you are focused on your breathing. Mindfulness is not relaxation, but can often be confused with it. During the minutes that you are practicing focused mindfulness, you are focusing on your breathing and not letting your mind wander. When your mind wanders or when a thought distracts you, you are supposed to slowly bring your attention back to your breathing.

Mindfulness for me is a good way to take time out of my day to just focus on one thing. Often times, we get so caught up in our busy life that we don’t take time to ourselves. Mindfulness for me is an excuse to forget about my to-do lists! There are many benefits of mindfulness. Some studies have shown that practicing mindfulness daily can improve your focus in other areas of your life, and has also shown to help you sleep better at night. For those of you who are not here at CIMBA, I encourage you to do some more research about mindfulness and start incorporating it into your every day life. I am personally glad that I was introduced to this practice, and I encourage others to try it as well!