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  • Rachel
  • University of Iowa
  • 2014 Spring

Reflection on My Time Abroad 05/06/14

Before you leave CIMBA, you listen to a few of the staff members talk about what it’s going to be like for you when you get back home. When I sat through these “town hall meetings” I kept thinking “Why am I here? I’m not going to have culture shock.  I’ve only been here three […]

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  • Rachel
  • University of Iowa
  • 2014 Spring

Advice for new CIMBIANS 04/29/14

1. Go to the Tabacchi with your friends and get sandwiches (10x better than anything at Jimmy John’s or Subway).  Have a picnic at the picnic tables on campus! 2. Go on a run around Paderno and to other nearby towns.  There are a few hills (they never really get any easier…) but the view […]

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  • Danielle
  • Iowa State University
  • 2014 Spring

Semester Reflection 04/18/14

After being home for a couple of weeks, I have been able to let the experience of studying abroad and being at CIMBA for three months sink in. My time in Europe definitely went faster than I expected it would, and I wish I could have stayed longer. The experiences I had abroad, and the […]

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  • Danielle
  • Iowa State University
  • 2014 Spring

Final Week at CIMBA 04/18/14

As my journey was coming to an end, I experienced a whirlwind of emotions. I was both happy to be going home and to be done with school, but sad to leave Europe and all my amazing, new friends. I was shocked by the variety of students that were at CIMBA. I met students from […]

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  • John
  • University of Delaware
  • 2014 Spring

The Transition Home and a Final "Ciao!" 04/16/14

A full week has now passed since I returned home from CIMBA and I cannot believe my study abroad experience has ended.   It feels as if I awoke from a dream and definitely does not feel that I was away for three months LIVING the dream.  Still, returning to America reminded me of all the […]

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  • John
  • University of Delaware
  • 2014 Spring

An Unexpected Surprise, Finals Week, Paragliding and Saying Goodbye 04/09/14

As I sit here in my house in South Jersey, it still seems unreal that I will not be returning to my Italian dorm.  Finals week sped by in a blur.  Unlike a normal finals week where students remain cooped in their rooms or the library studying all day and night, this finals week was […]

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  • John
  • University of Delaware
  • 2014 Spring

A Wild Week: LEAP, USA vs. Italy Soccer Match, and the Serene Cinque Terre! 04/03/14

“USA! USA! USA!” It felt as if I was in the middle of a World Cup match.  The Italian vs. American friendly soccer match was one of the most exciting events I have attended and it showed that even after a week-long excursion traveling across Europe, CIMBA finds a way to make a regular week […]

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  • Peyton
  • University of Arkansas
  • 2014 Spring

When in Rome… (Yes, please continue) 04/03/14

There was no question as to what country I wanted to go to when I decided to study abroad. I have grown up with proud Italian roots, I have spent the majority of my life in Catholic school, and the most of the meals cooked in my household are indeed, you guessed it: Italian. I […]

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  • Danielle
  • Iowa State University
  • 2014 Spring

My Final Days At CIMBA 04/03/14

Last night, we had our third and final CIMBA gourmet dinner. Every semester, CIMBA schedules three gourmet dinners, and the students and staff dress up and eat a nice, authentic Italian meal. I attended all of the gourmet dinners they offered this semester and I can honestly say some of my favorite memories were made […]

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  • Danielle
  • Iowa State University
  • 2014 Spring

Cinque Terre 04/03/14

For our last weekend here in Italy, for some of us anyway, we decided to make a trip out to Cinque Terre. Cinque Terre is on the coast of Italy and is made up of five villages: Monterosso, Vernazza, Cornigilia, Manarola, and Riomaggiore. Since even before I had left for Italy, I was told by […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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