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  • University of Iowa
  • 2024 Spring

Love at First Sight 01/31/24

A little over a week ago, I climbed down the charter bus’s steps and onto CIMBA’s campus, dragging my jam-packed suitcases across the cobblestone street of Paderno del Grappa. It’s good I didn’t fall on my face as I entered the classroom building because my gaze was set on the breathtaking mountains towering above the […]

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  • Jessica
  • University of Connecticut
  • 2024 Spring

A Learning Experience 01/30/24

It has been nearly two weeks since I arrived in Italy, and it is still sometimes hard to believe that I am actually here. Every morning, I wake up to the breathtaking views of the mountains right outside my window and am still in awe of this place. With two weeks under my belt, here […]

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  • Berry College
  • 2024 Spring

Navigating the Emotional Farewell Before Studying Abroad 01/22/24

Howdy! My name is Jayne Claire Vincent. I’m one of the CIMBA blog ambassadors for the Spring 2024 semester! I’m super excited to be able to document all that this upcoming semester has to offer, but first things first, a little intro to start us off. I am a junior at Berry College studying International […]

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  • University of Iowa
  • 2024 Spring

Preparing for Adventure! 01/22/24

Ciao! My name is Caroline Potts, and I am a sophomore studying English and Business Management at the University of Iowa. College at Iowa has been the best experience I could have asked for, but I am really looking forward to studying abroad in Italy this coming semester and being a blog ambassador for CIMBA! […]

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  • Julia
  • Berry College
  • 2024 Spring

Introducing myself and preparing to study abroad! 01/19/24

Hi everyone! My name is Julia Bernstein, and I wanted to start by introducing myself. I am a sophomore at Berry College, and I am majoring in international business and finance. Traveling abroad for a semester has been something I have wanted to do since high school and I am so excited that I am […]

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  • Jessica
  • University of Connecticut
  • 2024 Spring

Here’s to New Adventures 01/13/24

Ciao ragazzi! My name is Jessica Boucher, and this semester I will be one of a few blog ambassadors for CIMBA. First things first, a bit of information about myself: I am currently a Junior at the University of Connecticut (Roll Skies!) majoring in Marketing with a minor in Management. My goal for this blog […]

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  • University of Iowa
  • 2023 Summer

A Day in My Life as a CIMBA Student 11/15/23

When I think of the term studying abroad, I think about exciting travels – visiting new, exotic places every week. And while you do get the chance to do just that on the weekends, what does a normal day look like as a student in the CIMBA study abroad program? During the average weekday, I […]

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Getting the True Formula 1 Experience 11/15/23

Being a Formula 1 fan in Italy is extra special because of the rich history of racing here. Being able to go to iconic tracks and experience them is extremely exciting. Having gotten into Formula 1 just a couple of months before coming to CIMBA was great, as while I watched the races, I got […]

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  • University of Iowa
  • 2023 Summer

10 Things I Would Tell Myself Before Studying Abroad 11/10/23

Studying abroad was such a life-changing experience. It was filled with new adventures, people, challenges, rewards, and experiences. If I could travel back in time to before studying abroad, here is a list of things I would tell myself in order to maximize my time at CIMBA… 1. Treat Yourself While studying abroad, a very […]

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  • University of Iowa
  • 2023 Summer

Is Studying Abroad as Easy as 1-2-3? 11/07/23

It has been exactly 123 days since I had to say goodbye to the beautiful CIMBA campus in Italy and all the amazing friends and people I met there. Although I have been away for quite some time, CIMBA has remained ever present in my life… I think I have successfully managed to bring up […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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Learn more about CIMBA by visiting our YouTube channel!

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