Tag Result For: Wifi

  • Kevin
  • Clemson University
  • 2016 Spring

Unconnected: Why Being Disconnected From Technology Is The Best Worst Thing To Happen To Me 01/27/16

I like to think that I have changed a lot since I graduated from high school now 3 years ago, I like to think I am more responsible and mature, and depending on who you ask that might be true? But one thing that hasn’t changed is that I love technology. I even wrote a […]

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  • Elizabeth
  • University of Minnesota
  • 2015 Fall

How to Survive without Your Phone during Study Abroad 11/03/15

In the United States, the Internet gives us access to pretty much anything at any given time. At home, we all have plenty of data on our plans each month, and there’s free wifi essentially everywhere we go. If I have a question, I google it. If I need to get somewhere, I use my […]

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  • Kelsey V.
  • Purdue University
  • 2015 Spring

5 Things They Don’t Tell You About Study Abroad 03/31/15

For years, students from all over the world have flocked to Europe seeking a supercharged study abroad experience. We come bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to take on the world. We have visions of the semester ahead of us perfected to a tee. If you’re anything like me, you may even spend hours on the Internet […]

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  • Danielle
  • Iowa State University
  • 2014 Spring

What I don't miss about America 03/11/14

The first thing that comes to my mind when I think about what I don’t miss about America is pizza. Pizza has always been one of my favorite foods, but the pizza here is nothing like I have ever tasted before. No matter where I am in Italy, each bite of pizza leaves me wanting […]

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  • Danielle
  • Iowa State University
  • 2014 Spring

When in Rome 03/10/14

This past weekend was one of the best weekends I have had here in Italy. From local restaurants to street kebabs, and karaoke to packed bars, so many great memories were made. Our travel break this weekend was from Thursday to Sunday. We left for Rome on Wednesday night and arrived at about 11pm. Our […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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