Tag Result For: packing

  • University of Arkansas
  • 2023 Summer

Let the Traveling Begin! 05/09/23

Ciao!! My name is Mackenzie Dyer and I just finished my sophomore year at the University of Arkansas. I am a Marketing Major with Minors in Supply Chain and Entrepreneurship. Studying abroad in college has always been a dream of mine, so I am so excited to share my journey abroad with all of you. […]

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  • University of Iowa
  • 2023 Summer

Introducing Me & Preparing to Study Abroad! 05/09/23

Hi! My name is Ceely Patramanis, and I wanted to start off by briefly introducing myself. I am going into my third year at the University of Iowa as a Marketing and Management major. Some of my hobbies include hanging out with friends, reading, cooking, and traveling. I wanted to share why I decided to […]

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  • West Virginia University
  • 2023 Spring

Starting off My Study Abroad Journey 01/17/23

My name is Kristin Kelly and I am a sophomore studying at West Virginia University. I always knew that I wanted to study abroad. I thought being immersed in a new world be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. When I first heard about CIMBA, I was intrigued. Once I did more research, I had my eyes set […]

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  • Furman University
  • 2022 Fall

How to Pack, According to a Master Procrastinator 09/06/22

Ciao! If you’re like me, you sometimes procrastinate when given projects, reading, research, or other assignments. You may put off learning Italian until three weeks before you spend three months in the country itself. Before my first international trip, I do not want to make room for mistakes. To pack correctly and make the most […]

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  • University of Arkansas
  • Summer 2022

What to pack when you’re packing 05/19/22

Ciao!! My name is Mekenna Earnhart, and I just finished my sophomore year at the University of Arkansas. My major is broadcast journalism. I love to write and to tell stories, so I am so excited to share my journey abroad with you all. For this first blog post I wanted to share my packing […]

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  • Peyton
  • Furman University
  • Spring 2018

What To Bring vs. Buy When Abroad 04/17/18

When preparing to go abroad this past semester, I had the chance to talk to people about everything from what to expect to what to do – from others who went abroad, who traveled to Europe, and even CIMBA alumni from my home university. However, there was one question I always asked, to which I never […]

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  • Sam
  • Syracuse University
  • 2017 Summer

5 Things I wish I Knew Before I Packed/While Getting Ready 06/22/17

After a few weeks of studying abroad with CIMBA, I have some advice for future student on what to pack and be prepared for. Everyone wears running shorts and large t-shirts to class. I made the mistake of not bringing enough of either. Honestly, once you think you’ve packed, take out 3-5 outfits – you […]

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  • Sydney
  • The University of Iowa
  • 2017 Spring

How Studying Abroad Will Turn You From a Diva to a Minimalist 05/25/17

When I was first told that it wasn’t a good idea for me to bring more than one suitcase and my backpack abroad, I thought it would be impossible. But I nearly lost my mind when I realized that said suitcase could only be 50 pounds. However, after sifting, sorting, an all nighter, and a […]

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  • Mallory
  • University of Colorado-Boulder
  • 2017 Spring

The 5 Things I’m Doing to Prepare For My Semester Abroad 01/10/17

Ciao! For me, planning to study abroad has been very similar to applying to college for the very first time. Many factors go into choosing a program; location, cost, courses offered, and more. When I started thinking about studying abroad, I had NO clue where I wanted to go. I thought about following in most […]

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  • Adam
  • Western Michigan University
  • 2016 Fall

How to Come to Terms With Saying Goodbye to Your New Home Away from Home 12/21/16

Ciao, I’m writing this with a mix of emotions ranging from Happiness that finals are over to sadness that this adventure has come to an end. From what I’ve discussed with other people in the program, they’re not far off from where I am. We are obviously all happy to have made it through finals, […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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