Tag Result For: dublin

  • Natalie
  • Texas Tech University
  • 2014 Fall

Nine days of travel, three countries, countless memories. 12/11/14

With the arrival of the travel week, we were officially half way through the semester, even though it felt like I just stepped foot in PdG days ago. Although I’ve been traveling throughout my time here, for some reason it felt odd to me that I wouldn’t be in class for a total of nine […]

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  • John
  • University of Delaware
  • 2014 Spring

A Survey of Europe: London, Dublin, Brussels, and Amsterdam! 03/26/14

Whew, am I tired!  I have just returned from our travel week and after walking countless miles exploring the cities of London, Dublin, Brussels, and Amsterdam my body is begging for some well-deserved rest.  For those you may not be aware, one aspect of the CIMBA program is an entire week off from classes to […]

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  • Jessica
  • West Virginia University
  • 2013 Fall

The Nightmare on Vegetarian Street 11/12/13

I always believed I was quite the carnivore, but then again I never ate a meal in Dublin, Ireland. It was around dinner time, and my stomach began to make its grumbling calls for a meal. As we searched for a restaurant we all agreed the best first meal in Ireland would be at a […]

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  • Cassie
  • University of Kansas
  • 2013 Fall

Falling in Love with New Cities 10/24/13

Ciao! This Sunday marks the halfway point for my study abroad program- six weeks down, and six more to go. The first travel week was this past week, and it was an amazing adventure. During that time, I had the chance to go to Paris, Dublin, and London, which were all incredible! Originally, it was […]

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  • Jillian
  • University of Iowa
  • 2013 Spring

Different Country, Different Culture 02/27/13

I can’t even begin to wrap my head around the fact that I am almost half way done with my study abroad experience. There are so many things that I have experienced and seen, and there is still so much more to explore. This past weekend, I went to Interlaken, Switzerland and it was one […]

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  • Morganne
  • University of Oregon
  • 2012 Fall

A Week in Food 11/12/12

One of the best parts by far about traveling through Europe is getting to taste different types of food—especially because little Paderno del Grappa has no variety in food. One of the top five reasons I love travel weeks is because we get to eat something other than pasta and red sauce. For my second […]

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  • Elizabeth
  • Furman University
  • 2012 Fall

A Series of Unfortunate Events 11/06/12

Ciao! This past week was our second travel week and I headed off to London, Edinburgh, and Dublin with my friend Carly! I had a wonderful time this week, but my friend and I definitely hit some speed bumps on the way. Now I want to preface this post by saying that I loved every […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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