Tag Result For: bus

  • Katherine
  • University of Arkansas
  • 2015 Summer

Study Abroad Lesson #1: Do As the Italians Do 05/21/15

“A 10,000 mile journey all begins with a single step.” What this Chinese proverb forgot to mention was the car, 3 planes, 2 trains, and the bus I took to get there. But the journey, the getting there, can be as vital to growth as the destination. Getting on my first plane to Chicago, it […]

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  • Kelsey V.
  • Purdue University
  • 2015 Spring

Time Flies When You’re at CIMBA 03/24/15

I spent this past weekend in Rovinj, Croatia. I was really excited to go to Croatia because I had heard great things from family and friends who have visited. We left campus after classes on Friday at 5:30 p.m. We took a bus to Rovinj and arrived very late, so we took it easy the […]

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  • Jessica
  • West Virginia University
  • 2013 Fall

A Cruel Teacher 09/30/13

Before embarking on the first weekend of traveling in Italy, I envisioned myself illustrating to readers about a relaxing weekend, soaking in all that Florence has to offer. I would like to tell you about how I woke up without a care, and went to bed without a woe. Yet I don’t feel like being […]

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  • Jillian
  • University of Iowa
  • 2013 Spring

Fun, Fur, Food, Friends, Florence. 03/05/13

Although I am studying abroad in the wonderful country of Italy, I came to the realization that I have been focusing a lot of my travel time outside of Italy and haven’t planned as many trips in Italy that I would like. I love to travel to other countries but it is important to focus […]

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  • Morganne
  • University of Oregon
  • 2012 Fall

30 Hours, 5 Villages, 1 Amazing Weekend 09/28/12

I never would have thought a 30-hour weekend trip could be one of the best vacations of a lifetime. But our adventure to Cinque Terre this past weekend certainly was.   Cinque Terre, literally translated as “five lands,” is located on the West Coast of Italy near the city of La Spezia and consists of […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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