Tag Result For: Adventure

  • University of Iowa
  • Spring 2022

Lost Between Canals and Alleyways 01/28/22

The first weekend in Italy blew any expectations I had out of the water. As we stepped onto the bus to travel to a local town called Bassano Del Grappa, the aura of excitement in the air washed over the group departing from campus. We headed to the train station, where we were parted separate […]

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  • Western Michigan University
  • Spring 2022

First Impressions 01/22/22

It now has been five days since arriving in Paderno del Grappa, Italy. I have already experienced and learned so much. Now that I know some do’s and don’ts of what to pack as well as how to better prepare I have some very important advice to share with any future Cimbians who may be […]

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  • University of Iowa
  • Spring 2022

Ciao America, Ciao Italy 01/08/22

Not only have I been traveling around the United States these past two weeks, but I will be flying to Italy in four days to gain cultural experience while pursuing my college degree. Traveling consists of many factors: weather, political and social culture, destination’s customs and beliefs, but currently, the most significant factor is the […]

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  • Western Michigan University
  • Spring 2022

Preparing for Departure, See Ya Michigan! 01/07/22

It’s Friday, January 7th and I have exactly nine days before leaving on my first flight next Sunday. Some things I have been doing to prepare include a lot of shopping on Amazon and taking advantage of post-Christmas sales, spending lots of time with friends and family, trip planning, and making a vision board. One […]

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  • Tracy
  • University of Arkansas
  • Summer 2021

Help is Essential: Why and How to Acquire it! 07/03/21

The first concern many students have when planning study abroad is funding and or paying for their program and travel. I am here to talk about just that! I. It is worth the money! Too much stress only takes away from the experience. II. There are endless ways to gain funding and support. III. Planning […]

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  • Tracy
  • University of Arkansas
  • Summer 2021

Meeting and Making Friends Abroad 06/17/21

You may be concerned to land in a continent with peers you may not know. That is valid! However, I would not waste one second worrying about not making friends at CIMBA. I was lucky enough to have five of my sorority sisters join me on this excursion, and I wouldn’t have it any other […]

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  • Tracy
  • University of Arkansas
  • Summer 2021

A Week in the Life 06/14/21

You may be wondering: What exactly does a week in the life of a study abroad student look life? Well, I am glad you asked! I wake up at 8 AM to prepare for my first class at 9 AM. My eyes open and adjust to the sometimes-still-strange surroundings, the light flooding in the large […]

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  • Tracy
  • University of Arkansas
  • Summer 2021

One Week in Italy… Must I Ever Leave? 06/01/21

Ciao to all from across the pond. I have been on the Istituti Filippin campus for just over a week now and still feel as if I am seeing things for the first time. Our campus is nestled in the quaint town of Paderno del Grappa, Italy. I open the shutters in my bedroom and […]

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  • Allyssa
  • University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • Spring 2020

Coronavirus and Lessons Learned 03/20/20

Coronavirus – it’s a hot topic these days and reasonably so. Hardly anybody knew what it was or that it even existed just a few weeks ago. Then it started to spread to South Korea, Japan, and of course Italy.  And of all semesters, of all years, of all countries, I decided to study abroad […]

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  • Allyssa
  • University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • Spring 2020

Tips for Safe Traveling 03/13/20

From mountains to beaches, Italy offers so many breathtaking sights to see! I had the amazing opportunity to spend my first day of March 2020 in Catania, Sicily. It was definitely an unforgettable trip especially since it was the last trip I was able to take during my stay in Italy, but that’s a topic […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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