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  • Morganne
  • University of Oregon
  • 2012 Fall

Field Trip to Asolo 10/05/12

Today I had the pleasure of taking a field trip to nearby Asolo with my Italian for Travelers class. Asolo is a town about 10 minutes away from Paderno and is home to the CIMBA MBA campus. Our class of 22 took a bus there this morning and our Italian Professor gave us a tour […]

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  • Elizabeth
  • Furman University
  • 2012 Fall

Rain Rain Go Away 10/04/12

Salve! This weekend I adventured off to Verona and I wouldn’t say that I had the best of luck when it came to this trip.  Saturday morning, we woke up in this charming little bed & breakfast that we were staying at, called B&B Villa dei Pini, and were greeted by a plate of homemade […]

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  • Carly
  • Furman University
  • 2012 Fall

An Italian Home Sweet Home 10/04/12

Study abroad students, which are generally broke college kids, are notorious for traveling Europe by jumping from hostel to hostel. Before coming to Europe, I was given many pointers from past student travelers warning me about the many horrors of hostel-hopping. Staying in a hostel will forever be a skeptical experience because there’s always the […]

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  • Morganne
  • University of Oregon
  • 2012 Fall

30 Hours, 5 Villages, 1 Amazing Weekend 09/28/12

I never would have thought a 30-hour weekend trip could be one of the best vacations of a lifetime. But our adventure to Cinque Terre this past weekend certainly was.   Cinque Terre, literally translated as “five lands,” is located on the West Coast of Italy near the city of La Spezia and consists of […]

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  • Carly
  • Furman University
  • 2012 Fall

Firenze, The Roman City 09/28/12

This past weekend was our first travel weekend here at CIMBA, so naturally a large group of us planned our first trip to Firenze, or Florence in the Italian region of Tuscany. I had been to Florence once before, but it was interesting to see how much my perspective of the city changed the second time. […]

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  • Elizabeth
  • Furman University
  • 2012 Fall

I Took the One Less Traveled by, and That has Made All the Difference. 09/28/12

Salve! The title of this post is a quote from Robert Frost’s poem The Road Not Taken and this idea definitely applied to my weekend. My friends and I hopped on a train and traveled to Florence, Italy. People always say that you need to thoroughly plan your vacations or you will just be wandering […]

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  • Morganne
  • University of Oregon
  • 2012 Fall

A Trip to Bassano 09/25/12

Last Thursday night we finally ventured out of our small abode that is Paderno. Up until that point, I had not been to any other part of Italy besides Venice, but that was only the airport. We were incredibly excited—half the students had already made the trip to Bassano del Grappa the first week while […]

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  • Carly
  • Furman University
  • 2012 Fall

A Glimpse of Italian Culture through Taste 09/19/12

WOW! I cannot believe I have not even been here for a full two weeks yet. So much has been happening and we have all been so extremely busy, it feels as though I’ve been in the Italian mountains for an eternity. But, who’s to complain about that! I quickly discovered I would love nothing […]

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  • Elizabeth
  • Furman University
  • 2012 Fall

So Many Places, So Little Time 09/19/12

Ciao Everyone! The end of orientation is upon us and everyone here is so pumped for the first travel weekend! Most conversations surround the topic of traveling and all the different places that people are going this weekend. Friday (after I finish the partially terrifying but intriguing LIFE Program), I leave for Florence, Italy. As […]

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  • Morganne
  • University of Oregon
  • 2012 Fall

Arrivederci Seattle, Ciao Paderno! 09/14/12

Ciao! It’s my seventh full day here in Paderno del Grappa and I am already loving it. After a full 24 hours worth of travel from Seattle to Venice on Sunday-Monday, I couldn’t have been happier to finally arrive on campus. Little did I know how quickly things were going to start—the second we got […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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