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  • Bethany
  • University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • 2024 Summer

One Obstacle for a Lifetime of Adventure! 05/24/24

Even in my hometown, I sometimes still get lost. Seriously, friends and family have a running joke about my lack of direction. Understandably, many were worried when I confidently told them I would be traveling solo on my way to Italy. With little experience in airports and three flights to manage, I was also feeling […]

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  • Marandah
  • University of Iowa
  • 2024 Summer

A Spreadsheet – The Key to Preparing for Travel Abroad 05/24/24

When I think of an organized person, the first character that comes to mind is definitely not myself.   One thing I knew, however, when I first applied and was accepted to the CIMBA Study Abroad Program, was that I wanted to be prepared for the trip as best as I could.   I immediately […]

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  • Jessica
  • University of Connecticut
  • 2024 Spring

All Good Things Must Come to an End 05/16/24

I’ve never cared for the saying “All good things must come to an end”. While it may be entirely true, I have always had difficulty accepting that amazing experiences must end. This is exactly how I feel now that my semester abroad has been officially over for an entire month. When finals were complete, saying […]

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  • University of Iowa
  • 2024 Spring

Sentimental 05/16/24

On Christmas Day, I always get a little bit sad that the season is ending. I adore all the music, decorations, food, and festivities Christmastime brings, and I am one of those people who never want it to end. The tradition of getting depressingly sentimental has been happening every year since around 2009 (when I […]

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  • Julia
  • Berry College
  • 2024 Spring

Finishing the Semester 05/07/24

Finishing off this semester has been a whirlwind of emotions from stress about final exams to the sadness of leaving my new friends and Europe. This experience through the CIMBA program has been worthwhile and I am really dreading leaving Europe. As the semester ends, here are my top two takeaways from the past few […]

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  • University of Iowa
  • 2024 Spring

Best Food Ever! 04/12/24

Last week, my friends and I went to Bassano a couple of days ago and asked for a table at a restaurant. “We can get you a table,” the hostess responded. “But only for three hours. Is that okay?” Americans have no trouble eating quickly, so we nodded and sat down. But it got me […]

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  • Jessica
  • University of Connecticut
  • 2024 Spring

Blink and You’ll Miss It 04/06/24

The phrase “Time flies when you’re having fun” has never been more applicable in my life than it is regarding my semester abroad. With the semester winding down, each passing day is just a reminder that this whirlwind experience is almost over. It’s honestly difficult for me to fathom how much time I’ve already spent […]

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  • University of Iowa
  • 2024 Spring

Getting From A to B 03/26/24

I am going to miss so many things about Europe when I leave to go back to the States. I will be reminiscing on the memories I have made here for years to come, constantly picturing the sights, the cities, the art, and the nature I have gotten to experience. Surprisingly, Europe’s transportation is also […]

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  • Julia
  • Berry College
  • 2024 Spring

A Spring Break to Remember 03/23/24

Traveling to four countries in ten days may sound crazy but I made it work and loved every second of it. Where did I go? What did I do? What was my favorite place? All are great questions, and I am delighted to let you know about my amazing experience from spring break! Stop 1: […]

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  • University of Iowa
  • 2024 Spring

Souvenirs 03/22/24

When I was little, I was a bit of a hoarder. I took great pride in my button and quarter collections and would quickly grow quite attached to birthday cards, bracelets I had overgrown, and Happy Meal toys. On summer evenings, after hours of playing in the summer heat, I would dump the pockets of […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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