• Taylor
  • Iowa State University
  • Spring 2019

3 Months Later… 06/19/19

I can’t believe how fast this semester went!  The last few days of being at CIMBA were a little hectic between finals, packing, and saying goodbyes.  I never thought I’d make such great friends in just three months, and I can’t wait until we’re all reunited again.  The travel, food, and lessons learned through this […]

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  • Taylor
  • Iowa State University
  • Spring 2019

Travel Week Highlights! 04/03/19

After weeks of planning, CIMBA students finally got to enjoy their spring break.  My classmates and I ventured off to places like Spain, Ireland, Austria, Germany, Greece, Switzerland and the UK to name a few!  While the week was full of memories and friends, I was excited to get back to Italy.  I’ve really grown […]

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  • Taylor
  • Iowa State University
  • Spring 2019

Where to go, what to do 03/25/19

Planning trips while abroad can be quite overwhelming.  The two things I normally lock down first are transportation, usually planes or trains, and then housing, either Airbnbs or hostels.  These reservations usually take place a few weeks before a trip – the sooner the cheaper (normally).  But the planning doesn’t stop there!  I strongly recommend […]

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  • Taylor
  • Iowa State University
  • Spring 2019

Must Have Travel Apps 02/26/19

During my first three weeks here at CIMBA, there are certain apps that I have relied on each day.  And a few others that are great for traveling!  They make communication and planning so much easier.  Here are my top 5 apps for going abroad, especially as a student. Venmo  I honestly don’t know how […]

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  • Taylor
  • Iowa State University
  • Spring 2019

What a LIFE 02/07/19

The first two weeks here at CIMBA have flown by!  Between planning trips, getting to know Paderno, starting classes, and making new friends, I have definitely stayed busy.  In addition, everyone at CIMBA completed LIFE during the past two weekends – Leadership Initiative for Excellence.  We all walked out of the three day training one […]

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  • Taylor
  • Iowa State University
  • Spring 2019

Ready or Not… Here We Go! 01/31/19

I can’t believe it!  By this time next week, I’ll be in a different country, different time zone, eating different food (bring on the pasta and gelato!) with people I have never met before.  I know this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity will be nothing short of amazing!  But to say I’m not nervous about anything would be […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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