• Katie

Study Abroad FAQs 07/01/19

Do I study abroad? Originally I brushed off the idea of studying abroad, but this was only my naivety taking over. If you are fortunate to take the time and spend the money to study abroad then the cliche that “there is no better time than the present” turns out to be spot on. Exposing […]

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  • Katie

Thank you, Cimba 06/24/19

How crazy is it that you can be lounging in the Venice Airport in the morning and be flying over the humble midwest come nightfall? Traveling brings you to the realization that the world is small and easily accessible. Traveling is no longer intimidating, but thrilling and enchanting. It ignites a need for more wandering, […]

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  • Katie

New Places and Many New Faces 06/13/19

Let me let you in on a little secret. I was not an avid coffee drinker before coming to Italy, and no I did not start drinking coffee here because I was tempted by the cute cups and the gorgeous crema on top. I. Was. TIRED. Know that you will be exhausted for the entirety […]

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  • Katie

Magical Memories 06/10/19

As I sit at the picnic table on campus I take this time to reflect on how perfect this past weekend was. I’ll be honest, although I’ve had a great time thus far, I have been waiting for that “WOW” moment. The moment that exceeded all my expectations. Well, no more waiting for me. I […]

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  • Katie

Let the Adventures Begin… 05/29/19

Campus Life Being situated in the foothills of a small town away from mass tourism allows for a glimpse of what it’s like to live in Italy. This may just be me, but it’s easy to imagine Italians leading these romantic, fantasy-like lives where everything is perfect and every meal is fantastic. But guess what…Italians […]

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  • Katie

Serendipitous Moments Ahead 05/21/19

Italia. Never did I imagine I would have the fortune to visit this faraway land. To have the privilege of traveling on my own, away from all that is familiar, is truly a gift. Crawling out of my comfort zone will allow me to grow, become a more independent woman, and expand my worldview. There […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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