Company Tours With CIMBA

Written by Chris Brummett April 3, 2018

The entire CIMBA program spent an early Thursday morning touring various businesses in the Treviso region. The industries experienced ranged from pastries to steel and offered us an in-depth look at how certain Italian businesses conduct their operations.

I spent my morning at the Parajumpers HQ. Parajumpers is a clothing brand based in the Treviso region that specializes in predominantly functional, yet high fashion jackets. We spent most of the morning in one of their offices listening to an extremely informative presentation about their company’s history as well as the average day to day basics such as handling counterfeits. 

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Afterword, we toured their office space and their warehouse.  They showed off some of the designs they are working on for upcoming seasons. The company representative was extremely helpful when it came to our questions.  They were open, even on topics like profit margins or net sales. 

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Personally, the most interesting part of the morning spent at the Parajumpers HQ was when we heard about the different ways the company is combatting counterfeits and copies. A unique QR code is sewn inside each jacket, and it can be scanned by customers. This way, even if a counterfeit is able to replicate the code in look, when the customer scans the code, the app will tell them it is a fake. This scan also allows the company to see where the inauthentic jacket was sold and can help them keep track of the regions which feature the most inauthentic jackets. 

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It was definitely a great and interesting way to spend the morning even if it stole some time away from some of us to sleep in. Until next time.. Ciao!