Tag Result For: hostels

  • Kaden
  • Kansas State University
  • 2016 Summer

Hostel (No, Not the Movie): What to Look for When Booking a Hostel for Travel in Europe 05/27/16

I was nervous about several things before my study abroad experience, but the main thing was staying in my first hostel.  Hostels are places that offer inexpensive food and lodging for travelers and are the main form of lodging for students traveling in Europe.  I heard from people who have seen the Hostel movie trilogy […]

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  • Mikaela
  • University of Minnesota
  • 2016 Spring

Travel Planning 101: Sticking to Your Budget 02/03/16

I have gone $300 over budget on travel so far. Well actually, I never made a budget, but I know I spent way too much on flights and hostels. It is extremely easy to pay double for travel expenses and now I have learned my lesson. Here is my mistake that I hope you can […]

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  • Connery
  • Western Michigan University
  • 2015 Fall

How to Have a True European Experience: Ways to Enhance Your Travels in Europe 12/14/15

If it isn’t apparent by now, I’m blogging for traveling and how to experience Europe as a traveler. That being said, it’s still good to do well at school, especially at CIMBA, where class attendance is mandatory, but that’s not what I’m focusing on. Here is a list of ways that I’ve traveled throughout my […]

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  • Connery
  • Western Michigan University
  • 2015 Fall

Beyond the Iron Curtain: Experiences from Eastern Europe 10/29/15

There’s a myth/assumption saying that Eastern Europe is still too run down to visit as a tourist and that you should stay away. I’ll be honest, I had those assumptions too, but I still decided to go anyway. Once I got there, I was pleasantly surprised that I was wrong and fell in love with the […]

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  • Drew
  • The University of Iowa
  • 2015 Fall

How to Break Through the American Study Abroad Stereotype 10/15/15

I apologize in advance if this posts sounds like a rant. However, I ran into one of my biggest study abroad pet peeves this weekend and I wanted to express my feelings toward that situation. Before getting into the story, here’s a quick update on my life. I finally finished orientation programs and just completed […]

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  • Connery
  • Western Michigan University
  • 2015 Fall

What to Expect in Your First 2 Weeks at CIMBA 09/30/15

If it isn’t obvious by now, CIMBA is in a league of its own when it comes to a study abroad experience. Whether it’s due to the location, the curriculum, or even by its strict policy on class attendance, CIMBA is something else. What you will go through in the first 2 weeks alone will change your […]

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  • Connery
  • Western Michigan University
  • 2015 Fall

What to Expect Traveling Solo and Why it is Something Everyone Should Do 09/14/15

A month in Europe, with nothing but what you carry, will definitely test someone on the kind of person they are. I’m not going to lie, I had my ‘oops’ moments and my “I NEED to go home” moments, but looking back, the month of travel really changed me. To start off, I learned that […]

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  • John
  • University of Delaware
  • 2014 Spring

The First Formal Dinner and a Jam-Packed Travel Weekend! 02/10/14

There is so much to write about this past week that I do not even know how I am going to cover it all in this post.  We began the week with our first of three gourmet dinners.  The dinner consisted of the traditional five course Italian-style meal including an aperitif and vast array of […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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